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本园花木不得攀折。Flowers beautify a garden.

举手之劳,美化校园。No, to beautify the campus.

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亚当的工作是要让它变得荣美,并加以保护。Adam was to beautify it and protect it.

我想,你知道什么叫美法吧!You know what to beautify is, I suppose?

人文合一,美化环境。Integrate human and culture, beautify environment.

我们应该不遗馀力地美化我们的环境。Weshould spare no effort to beautify our environment.

中轴线的南边部分则比较难美化。The southern part of the axis has proved more difficult to beautify.

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沿林阴大道种花将有助于美化城镇。Planting flowers along the boulevards will help to beautify the town.

此外,我们还有调谐滤波器来满足您对精致组图的要求。We also have some nice tuned filters for you to beautify your collages.

森林公园,美化国家环境,对于,搞好旅游事业,有。Forest park, beautify the national environment, for, make the tourism, have.

花一天的时间美化妳的房间或者在家娱乐会是不错的选择。This is a great day to beautify your living quarters or to entertain at home.

我爱这不起眼但可以美化环境的黄香木!I love that small but you can beautify the environment, yellow fragrant wood !

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便能修饰唇形,令唇膏不致晕开。It can beautify the lips shape without tardiness, not making lipstick fan out.

可激励松弛的胸部,提升胸线,令胸部紧致即美丽。It can stimulate loosed breast, lift up the shape, firm and beautify our breast.

人们只会美化他们只所爱,但是死亡让我们反感并消磨我们的耐心。People beautify only what they love, and death repels us and tires our patience.

为了帮助您美化您的家庭,和谐1100配备射频能力。To help you beautify your home, the Harmony 1100 is equipped with RF capability.

你不仅可以美化环境,为世界增添一份光彩。You can not only beautify the environment, in order to add a luster to the world.

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环湖建筑对西湖自然风景的影响是巨大的。All of them exert a tremendous influence to beautify natural scenery of West Lake.

为了能让我们健康的生活,我们需要美化校园环境。In order to make us live healthily, we need to beautify the environment of campus.

手捧鲜花的王妃,侧分卷发完美修颜。The Princess holding flowers with side parting curly hairstyle to beautify her look.