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选取牙龈组织和牙龈成纤维细胞作为对照。Gingiva tissue and cells were used as negative control.

柔软的辊轮可有效地清洁牙齿、按摩牙龈。The soft rollers can effectively clean teeth and massage gingiva.

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了解边缘性龈炎及龈增生的组织病理特点。To grasp histopathological feature of marginal gingivitis and gingiva hyperplasia.

所附的牙龈是牙龈组织的一部分,这是连续的边缘牙龈。The attached gingiva is the part of gingival tissues that is continuous with the marginal gingiva.

为牙齿折裂到龈下患者的修复提供治疗理论依据。This study provides theoretical insights into the treatment of patients with crown fractures under the gingiva.

所附的牙龈是牙龈组织的一部分,这是连续的边缘牙龈。It has been assumed that a minimal width of attached gingiva is required for optimal gingival health to be maintained.

大部分之鳞状齿源性肿瘤发生于颚骨中,文献中只有二例发生于牙龈。The majority of reported SOTs occurred centrally in the jawbone. Only 2 cases were located peripherally on the gingiva.

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它不应该混淆的宽度角化牙龈,因为后者还包括牙龈边缘。It should not be confused with the width of the keratinized gingiva because the latter also includes the marginal gingiva.

目的研究固齿合对牙龈和牙槽骨中PGE2的抑制作用,探讨固齿膏治疗牙周炎的机理。Objective Study the effects of Gu Chi paste on PGE2 in gingiva and alveolar bone and its mechanism to treating periodontitis.

由于血管扩张的细胞会变成红色和炎性渗出肿胀。在锋利的边缘变成圆形的牙缝水闸路丢失和牙龈表面变得光滑。The knife-edged margin becomes rounded, the interdental sluice-way is lost and the surface of the gingiva becomes smooth and glossy.

目的通过了解两种义龈修复前后牙周菌属的变化情况明确前牙区义龈修复的长期效果以及与牙周健康的关系。Objective To study the long-term effect of restoration of artificial gingiva in anterior teeth and its relationship to periodontal health.

在游离龈中神经丝蛋白阳性神经呈丛状分布,在靠近结合上皮处分布更为密集。A plexus of NFP-positive nerves was revealed in the free gingiva, the innervation being denser toward the epithelium of the gingiva crevice.

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结论西帕依固龈液作为口腔护理液可有效降低牙菌斑指数和牙龈出血指数,口腔护理效果确切。Conclusion Xipayi gingiva protective solution as oral rinse can effectively decrease dental plaque index and gingival bleeding index. Therefore, the effect of oral care is impressive.

牙龈薄的病人在矫正过程中可能有较高牙龈退缩的机会,因此应视情况进行矫正前牙龈移植的预防手术。Patients of thin gingiva biotype suffered from gingival recession after orthodontic treatment more frequently, so preventional gingiva graft procedure will be indicated for this kind of patients.