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前震活动的增加引发了疏散警报。An increase in foreshock activity triggered the evacuation warning.

一场地震是一场更大地震前震的概率有多大?What is the probability that an earthquake is a foreshock to a larger earthquake?

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此次地震没有明显的前震,并且余震连续不断地发生。No foreshock emerged before the earthquake, and its aftershock kept up for a long time.

寂静地震的研究具有重要的理论与实际意义。The research on the quiescent foreshock is of great theoretical and practical significance.

在太平洋西北地区,历史上的大多数地震都没有前震活动的证据。In the Pacific Northwest, there is no evidence of foreshock activity for most historic earthquakes.

即使是在前震相当普遍的地区,也无法将前震与独立地震区分开来。Even in areas where foreshocks are fairly common, there is no way of distinguishing a foreshock from an independent earthquake.

利用小波域方法求解了玉树的一个前震以及四个余震的震源机制解。The mechanisms of one foreshock and four aftershocks of Yushu earthquake were determined by the wavelet domain inversion method.

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地震发生之前,地球没有发生任何征兆,例如前震,电信号,水体信号或其他任何信号。The earth gave no indication with a foreshock or an electric signal or a water signal or anything else that an earthquake was about to begun.

磁鞘区和地球弓激波前兆区是影响和改变太阳风波动特性,将太阳风能量传输到地球磁层的关键区域。The magnetosheath and foreshock are the key regions which somewhat modify and then transmit the solar wind variations to the Earth's magnetosphere.

同时还研究了35个前震、余震及震群序列的分维特征,发现其中29个存在分维结构。Simultaneously, we also studied the subdimensional feature of 35 foreshock , aftershock and swarm series and found that 29 of the 35 had subdimensional texture.

根据前震活动对强震作短临预测既已获得突破,有待在世界范围内再见成功震例。We are expecting the appearance in the world of the second example of the successful impending prediction of a strong earthquake based on sequential foreshock activity.

3月11日,当地震的第一波前震来袭,我和同事杰弗里·刘易斯正与资深工业界高官在日本备受争议的六所村核燃料处理厂里享用午餐。On March 11, when the first foreshock struck, my colleague Jeffrey Lewis and I were having lunch with senior industry officials at Japan's controversial Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant.

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研究认为,时间结构变异诊断法不仅可以用作前震序列和余震序列以及正常震群活动的判断,同时也适用于区域地震活动状态的描述。The TFCM can be used to judge foreshock series, aftershock series and normal seismic activities, and it can also be applied to describe the characteristics of regional seismic activities.

并且,大地震的一个4级以上前震与一般小震群中的同量级地震发生前的应变释放速率是不同的。Furthermore, a foreshock with magnitude over 4 of a large earthquake differs in the rate of strain release from that of an earthquake of the same magnitude of an ordinary earthquake swarm.

依据地震破裂、地震形变带、前震和余震分布,对中国大陆共轭破裂强震进行了初步研究。In this paper, a primary study was made on strong shocks with conjugate rupture by research for earthquake faults, deformation belts, foreshock and aftershock distributions in Chinese continent.