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他们是白肤绿血的。They were white skinned and blue blooded.

纯种的牛被引进用以改进牛的血统。Blooded cattle were brought in to improve the stock.

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好了,就写到这里吧,祝所有的JM都漂亮并布满活力。Good, write here, wish all JM are beautiful red- blooded.

那个会社筹办的这次舞会是上流社会活动。The ball organised by that club was a blue- blooded event.

武昌起义使很多热血志士首次经受革命的洗礼。Many revolutionary devotees were blooded in Wuchang Uprise.

一个易激动的人经常会表现出强烈的感情。A hot- blooded person is one who easily shows strong feelings.

冷血动物,例如蛇和青蛙,冬季要冬眠。Cold- blooded animals, such as snakes and frogs, hibernate in winter.

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只有经历过战火,才知道一个士兵是否是将才。The abilities of a soldier are never known until they have been blooded.

它们像鱼一样是冷血动物,但它们又像哺乳动物一样总长着肺。They're cold- blooded like fish, but they always have lungs like mammals.

她将首次代表国家参赛。这是破题儿第一遭。This will be her first match for her country, she hasn't yet been blooded.

天气虽冷了些,但也要让自己布满活力呀!Although weather is some colder, but also should make oneself red- blooded !

哲瑞米是初出茅庐,所以我们并不指望他在这次比赛中表现得很好。Jeremy's just being blooded , so we don't expect him to be very good at the game.

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鲸鱼们都是热血动物,正如其他的哺乳动物所做的那样,他们给幼崽以生命。Whales are warm blooded creatures and they give birth to live young, just like other mammals do.

我们的血管会在皮肤之下闪着暗暗的光,温血动物会非常醒目。Our veins would shine darkly through our skin, and warm blooded creatures would be very easy to spot.

杰森开始怀疑自己,相信他在东帝汶的行动证实他已经成为一名冷血杀手。Jayson comes to doubt himself, believing that his actions in Timor prove that he has become a cold blooded killer.

不过,因为特里更富于表现力,强有力的承诺使他成为鼓舞人心的榜样,故而被认为略占上风。But it is thought Terry has the edge because he is more vocal and is an inspirational example with his full- blooded commitment.

啊,最后呢,我拔了我的几根头发,在斧头上涂满了猪血,并且把头发沾在斧头的一边。Well, last I pulled out some of my hair, and blooded the axe good, and stuck it on the back side, and slung the axe in the corner.

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唉,在大师播种的四千年内,蓝血的另一组人类团队从昂宿星来到地球。Alas within four thousand years of the seeding of the Grand Masters, another group of blue blooded humans arrived from the Pleiades.

创造出了一种全新的品牌形象新面貌,显得布满活力、朝气蓬勃以及富有时髦的现代感。Innovation gave a kind of brand-new brand image new appearance, appear red- blooded , young and rich and modern contemporary feeling.

成为一种恒温动物,有很明显的好处,比如我们不必一大早就坐在太阳底下先晒上几小时,然后才能活动身体。There are obvious benefits to being warm blooded. Like not having to sit in the sun for a few hours just to get going in the morning.