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SD读卡器。SD card reader.

你可以是强者!你可以成为强大的读者。You can be the strong reader.

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读者――谁将阅读本书?Audience -- Who is the reader?

请问你有否计划买“阅读器”?Do you plan to buy a "Reader"?

它是你献给读者的礼物。It is your gift to the reader.

读者要有记性“The reader should have memory."

否则你又将会失去一个读者。Or else you’ll lose that reader.

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目标读者群是哪些?What kind of reader does it want?

写作的时候,时刻关注你的读者。As you write, focus on the reader.

有关于读者的,上帝的。There is the reader. There is God.

读者要有想像力“The reader should have imagination."

不能与内建读卡器。Can't work with build-in card reader.

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他是个能敏锐察识人性的人。He's a shrewd reader of human nature.

这将是一个理想的电子书阅读器。It would make an ideal e-book reader.

读者要有本字典“The reader should have a dictionary."

使用指纹识别器进行解锁。Use the fingerprint reader to unlock.

读者要是一个潜在的作者The reader should be a budding author.

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亲爱的读者有何高见呢?What's your take on this, dear reader?

克莉丝是个比珍妮快的读者。Chrissy is a quicker reader than Janet.

他很喜欢看科学幻想小说。He's a great reader of science fiction.