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把清漆涂在表面。Apply varnish to the surface.

我想在脚指甲上涂上指甲油。I want to varnish my toe nails.

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地板上涂了一层清漆。The floor is coated with varnish.

文饰又是一件事。Culture is one thing and varnish another.

油漆刷出来像木纹。The varnish was made to imitate wood grain.

调墨油是亚麻仁油煮沸制成的。The varnish was made by boiling linseed oil.

而古法是不断的加上一层层的漆吗?And the old school just keeps on adding varnish?

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粉漆,液体漆,绝缘漆。Powder Paints, Liquid Paints, Insulation Varnish.

作为工业地坪的罩光面漆。Used as varnish on the surface of industrial floor.

清漆涂在未干的油漆上可能会产生裂纹。Varnish applied over wet paint is likely to crackle.

小心!要不会碰坏桌子的光泽面。Be careful or you'll take the varnish off the table !

他想粉饰事实,但那是徒劳的。He tried to varnish over the facts, but it was useless.

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这些是有很多油漆和少根的人。These are people with a lot of varnish and little root.

产物经150℃烘烤可得烘于清漆。Baking varnish was gained by stoving the product at 150℃.

这样做下去最终就会制成更好的清漆。Eventually this process would result in a better varnish.

贝克兰德几乎孤独地追求更好的清漆。Baekeland was hardly alone in his quest for a better varnish.

他想要在真实情况上添油加醋,把它编成一个更有趣的故事。He tends to varnish the truth to make a more interesting story.

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我有他六十年了,他所要的只是上点漆。I've had him sixty years, and all he needs is a little varnish.

裂纹效果明显均匀,不掉漆,手感平整。Craquelure is even and clear. Do not lose varnish. Smooth handle.

通常这块木头会上一层看上去很自然的清漆,或者什么漆也不上。Usually the wood has a very natural finish, or no varnish at all.