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他善于作诗。He is good at verse.

他擅长作诗。He is good at verse.

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在路加福音第6章25节那里。In Luke, Chapter 6, verse 25

在出埃及记第一章,第九节。In Exodus, Chapter 1, verse 9

并非所有的韵文都是伟大的诗篇。Not all verse is great poetry.

把韵文改写成散文。Transpose the verse into prose.

你真的相信神的这句话么?Do you really believe this verse?

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这句隽永而极著名的诗That exquisite and celebrated verse

她以无韵诗体作诗。It was in blank verse that she sang.

诗5中有上帝方面的规定。Verse 5 contains God's stipulations.

哦,请听从这一篇符咒似的诗歌And , by the incantation of this verse

请凭借我这韵文写就的符咒。And, by the incantation of this verse.

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他过去常给我们朗诵法语诗歌。He used to declaim French verse to us.

他在12节开始之前,他祷告。In verse 12 he prays before he starts.

诗歌的最后部分要齐唱。The last verse will be sung in unison.

第二个动词是第6节的「去行」。The second word is walking-in verse 6.

这一段是讲述诱惑的。The verse is talking about temptation.

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他的书有许多地方是用韵文写的。His book was in parts written in verse.

神的旨谕在诗句中频显现。In verse the oracles divine were heard.

一首韵文有几个版本。There were several versions of a verse.