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没有什么可以说服我去的。Nothing shall induce me to go.

医生希望做诱产。My doctor wants to induce labor.

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那种药物会让人易睡。That medicine will induce sleep.

你可以这个声音诱发出体。You can use this sound to induce OBEs.

药物成瘾和赌博诱发犯罪。Drug addiction and gambling induce crimes.

疫苗也引起细胞介导免疫。Vaccines also induce cell mediated immunity.

不可与茶同服,若同服亦能引起呃逆。Taking with tea may induce hiccups or diarrhea.

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热疗可导致化疗耐药的产生。Hyperthermia may induce chemotherapy resistance.

我不知道它是否被用于诱导恐惧。I don't know if it was being usedto induce fear.

VK2无单独诱导NB4细胞分化作用。VK2 can't induce NB4 cells differentiation alone.

快速心房起搏可导致细胞内钙离子超载。RAP can induce calcium overload in atrial myocyte.

用个人强烈的魅力哄诱,劝诱。To induce by using strong personal attractiveness.

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在下一个冬季,只有雨水能够使苞片张开。From the next winter, only rain can induce opening.

就像酒精一样,膨胀的债务能为人们带来一种欣快感。Like alcohol, a debt boom tends to induce euphoria.

想必,所有这些征税方案都是在强迫人们服从。Presumably, all these taxes are to induce compliance.

抑制蛋白酶体活性将导致青扦花粉管的程序性死亡。Inhibition of UPP will induce apoptosis of pollen tube.

孕妇吃蓖麻籽可催生。The castor bean can also induce labor in pregnant women.

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精胺能诱导血影膜的融合。Spermine could induce the fusion of human ghost membrane.

这些诱人之处吸引人们到那个国家去旅游。These attractions induce people to travel in that country.

未成功者采用开塞露纳肛方法及行留置导尿术。To adopt suggestion way in her mind to induce micturition.