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使用后须旋紧外盖!Cap tightly after using.

用箔纸盖严。Cover tightly with foil.

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她的牙关紧闭。Her jaws tightly locked.

我这里我这里门栓儿插紧。I bolt the door tightly.

我们已经把它紧紧地缝上了。We've sewed it on tightly.

那些抓得太紧的人。Those who hold too tightly.

他把皮带束得紧些。He buckled his belt tightly.

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压盖填料压得太紧。Gland packing pressed too tightly.

莎拉抱着泰迪熊紧密。Sarah held her teddy bear tightly.

小姑娘紧紧抱着洋娃娃。The girl clasped the doll tightly.

他紧紧握着他的大刀。He keeps his machete gripped tightly.

他抓住我的手,紧紧地握住。He caught my hand and held it tightly.

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痛苦是因为你抓得太牢不想松手。Pain is where you hold on too tightly.

容器必须保持紧紧关严。Containers MUST BE kept tightly closed.

你是否常存著信心呢?Are you holding on tightly to your faith?

一个人嘴巴闭得紧紧的时候,就好像蛤蜊闭上壳,怎么也不打开。Clams can close their shells very tightly.

这条蛇紧紧地盘绕着。The snake's coils were tightly convoluted.

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帐篷的布应紧紧系住。The tent flaps should is tightly fastened.

安蒂将她的洋娃娃紧抱在胸前。Andie hugged her doll tightly to her chest.

我被紧紧地挤在两个胖女人中间。I was tightly wedged between two fat women.