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这个贼终于被逼得走头无路了。The thief was cornered at last.

你把我逼急了,我当时必须那样。You cornered me, I had to do that.

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他最好的朋友却让他感到无地自容。He has been cornered by his best friend.

他们的公司垄断了小麦市场。Their firm has cornered the wheat market.

兔子逼急了还会咬人呢!Even a rabbit will bite when it is cornered.

他机敏的提问使证人无言可对。He cornered the witness with clever questions.

我在墙角处逮到了她,我让她转身,她不从。I had her cornered. I told her to turn around.

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有一天早晨,老板的儿子终于逼上门来了。Finally the boss's son cornered me one morning.

张青之所以显得被动,有以下几个原因。Some reasons for why Zhangqing has been cornered.

在罗卡维南边的一个小巷里,他们把我拦在一个角落里。They cornered me in the alley just south of Rockaway.

蚂蚁把大虫围困起来并展开进攻。The ants have cornered the rustler and are attacking it.

一位军事指挥说卡扎菲被前反叛军监禁。A military commander says former rebels have him cornered.

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在这层意义上,我们已经前所未有地把该病毒逼到了绝境。In this sense, we have the virus cornered as never before.

伊希提卜人是蛮烈的斗士,处于绝境时尤其如此。Ishi Tib are ferocious fighters, especially when cornered.

美洲狮除非被逼得走投无路,是绝不会伤人的。Pumas will not attack a human being unless it is cornered.

事实上,我们对这些疾病的围攻已处在最后的相持阶段。Indeed, we have these diseases cornered in a final stand-off.

看起来道格垄断了整个“午夜嚎叫”的市场。It looks that old Doug's cornered the market on Night Howlers.

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我们逼着他吐露很多关于他的下一个未来派游戏。So we cornered him to get more on his next futuristic wargame.

当那勇敢的牛仔紧逼那头牛时,那胆小的牛仔缩成了一团。The cowardly cowboy cowered as the courageous cowboy cornered the cow.

总之,普拉斯·塞克里斯认为把你保护的很好很周全。In short, Pius Thicknesse thinks he's got you cornered good and proper.