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手在体侧时可让身体的波动更容易些。The hands at the sides allow for easier body undulation.

倘若你肯将一个波浪起伏的绝技传授给我。Would you the undulation of one wave, its trick to me transfer.

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使用快关调节阀控制能激励周期蒸汽压力脉动。Periodic pressure undulation may be incited by fast valving control.

原来如此,这些都是11演习,学习身体波动和海豚踢!So that's it, these are the 11 drills to learn the body undulation and dolphin kick!

一步一摇晃葡萄在肚皮舞是一个典型的起伏变化大动作。A grapevine step rocking undulation in belly dancing is a great variation on typical moves.

跃层起伏还可能与海岸海底摩擦有关。The bottom friction and topography play a major role for the undulation and interface-wave height.

这里的果岭难度很大,起伏特别大,很容易三推。The difficulty is heavy , especially the undulation on the green, it is easy to get three putting.

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对加速度曲线上产生的特大波动应用磨光修正法。The smoothing revised method was applied to revised the large undulation at the acceleration curve.

波动型异常,以张压交替变化为显著特点。The undulation abnormity type is to take open and pressure in turn as the remarkable characteristic.

质量损失是由于产品的功能波动所造成的,损失大小可由质量函数确定。Quality loss is resulted in by the undulation of product and can be determined by the quality function.

海豚式打腿练习和身体的波动只是教你怎么学技术前述。The dolphin kick and body undulation exercises simply teach you how to learn the technique described above.

再在表面利用一个位移贴图为景观增加自然的起伏。A further displacement map on the surface itself is added for additional natural undulation to the landscape.

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在JX地区,由莫氏界面的起伏只能引起21—42毫伽的重力异常值。The undulation of Mohorovicic discontinuity under JX region only causes the gravity anomaly of 21-42 milligals.

又回到实践边步行从舞蹈总监提示在这个自由波动肚皮舞视频。Practice the side cross back walking undulation with tips from a dance director in this free belly dancing video.

最后,研究了柔性长鳍仿生装置的波动控制策略及其控制流程。Finally, the paper studies undulation control strategy and control-flow of the bionic device of long flexible fin.

实践边的十字路口步行从舞蹈总监提示波动在这个自由肚皮舞视频。Practice the side cross front walking undulation with tips from a dance director in this free belly dancing video.

它可以一次采全高,并且能适应煤层厚度变化和底板起伏不平的条件。It can cuts the whole seam height in one trip, and accommodate the changing of seam thickness and floor undulation.

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过马路的一边走在肚皮舞结合了波动侧反交的步骤基本波动。The side cross back walking undulation in belly dancing combines a basic undulation with side steps crossing in back.

因为是手持产品,在顶部曲面的凹凸起伏,充分适合成年人的手型,让人们在进行抓握动作的时候更符合人机工学。The undulation on the top curved surface is quite suitable for the shape of adults' hands, according with Ergonomics.

在实测基础上,对壁面温度波动及瞬时热流量进行了分析。Based on the experimental results, the undulation of wall surface temperature and instantaneous heat flux are analysed.