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人工分子识别是生物有机化学前沿领域之一。The study on molecular recognition of artificial receptors is one the frontiers in Bioorganic Chemistry.

人工分子识别研究是生物有机化学前沿富有挑战性的领域之一。The study on molecular recognition of artificial receptors is one of the frontiers in bioorganic chemistry.

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对菌群进行普查是非常重要的,有几个原因。This paper reviews the progress of studies on the use of microorganisms in bioorganic fertilizer production.

为了因应上述目的,我们致力于开发合成化学与生物有机相关的研究方法。It is our primary concern to develop both synthetic and bioorganic strategies to serve the aforementioned purposes.

众所周知,仿酶催化是生物有机化学领域的挑战性课题,近年来研究进展十分迅速。It is well known that mimic enzyme catalysis is a novel challenging field in bioorganic chemistry with rapid progress.

具有生物蛋白酶主要功能的较小型分子集团的酶模型的人工设计,是生物有机化学家的重要研究方向。Human design the model of molecule aggregate with main function of enzyme is the important research field of bioorganic chemistry.

又我国硬水铝石岩溶铝土矿,应属于生物有机质成矿作用的沉积型铝土矿。Such kind of clay can be used as high mobility material in paper industry. And karst diaspore bauxite deposits belong to bioorganic sedimentary deposits.

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研究了生物有机肥与控释肥配施和单施复合化肥对人参菜、紫背菜、黄秋葵几种特种蔬菜品质的影响。We studied the effects of applying bioorganic fertilizer and slowly released fertilizer, chemical fertilizer separately on the quality of special vegetables.

这表明施用生物有机肥能提高土壤有机质、速效K含量和微生物数量,增强土壤转化酶活性,并能提高鲜薯产量和淀粉产量。Thus bioorganic fertilizer increased the organic matter and available K contents, microorganism numbers and invertase activity in soil, and increased fresh cassava yield and starch yield.

合成一种能特异性结合目标分子的模拟生物受体是生物有机化学的一个长期目标。The design and synthesis of biomimetic receptor systems capable of binding a target molecule with similar affinity and specificity to antibodies has been a long-term goal in bioorganic chemistry.