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至于司铎和执事亦然。Likewise as touching a Presbyter and a Deacon.

我约见了科伯恩,他是一位医学博士,也是南部浸礼会执事。I caught up with Coburn, a medical doctor and ordained Southern Baptist deacon.

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如果只有一个执事,他考虑他的位置在右边的礼。If there is only one deacon , he takes his place at the right of the celebrant.

第6节译作「执事」的那个字,意思是「作服侍的人」。The word "minister" in verse 6 is our word "deacon" and means "one who serves".

你知道执事霍金斯的要求是每天都会跟他去雪橇。You know Deacon Hawkins isn't asking somebody every day to go sleighing with him.

牧师外出期间,若兄姊们有急事需要教会协助处理,请洽长执会主席黄立民兄。If anyone needs help from church, please contact with Deacon Chairman Li-Min Hwang.

如果你喜欢视觉效果的话,可以看迪肯的免费下载书里的漂亮的"自我细胞"的卡通图。Figure 1 of the Deacon free-download click has a great autocell cartoon if you like visuals.

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狄肯报告称“太阳守望者”包括大型的高度机密的宇宙飞船舰队。Deacon reports that SOLAR WARDEN encompasses a small fleet of large, highly classified spaceplanes.

在第8-10节和12节中,保罗提出在执事的职位上服侍的人应该具备的资格。In verses 8-10 and 12, Paul sets forth the qualification necessary for a man who serves as a deacon.

李志明执事为每个主日信息所预备的抄本使许多弟兄姐妹们受惠。Deacon Chee Meng transcribes the Sunday Service Message every week, and many have benefitted from it.

是的,Cooke和Hinton先生,还有学校的Ray女士,你们家是虔诚的教徒?Oh yes, Willie P. Cooke and Deacon Hinton my Sunday school teacher,Sarah Ray You were a church-going family?

狄肯只提到它作为一个巨大的天体,能造成严重的引力和其他方面的影响。Deacon only referred to it as a massive astronomical object, causing serious gravitational and other effects.

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执事的马才知道他说的执事了发生在他有利的东西,并迅速作出了回应。The deacon's horse knew before the deacon did that something had happened in his favor, and was quick to respond.

钟的背后是他由他的雪橇乡绅最快步进界定,他独自一人,因为没有执事。Behind the bells was the squire in his sleigh drawn by his fastest stepper, and he was alone, as the deacon was not.

伯南汉弟兄自己在结婚之前就已经担任长老、传道人、执事甚至牧师。Paul didn't marry at all in his life time. Brother Branham himself acted as elder, minister, deacon even pastor before his marriage.

在迪肯的模型里,生命起源事件的核心,是遇到一个像"自我细胞"那样的,能够在其本身的环境里自我维持的东西。The core origin-of-life event, in the Deacon model, is getting something like an autocell to maintain itself in its environmental context.

过程中,你可以看见身穿暗紫色的禅衣礼生,陪引主祭正献官等虔敬行礼。Process, you can see wearing a dark purple Buddhist ceremonial clothing, are offered to accompany the officials, cited deacon reverent salute.

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主教教区的天主教大教堂执事詹姆斯·墨菲说,教堂的负责人一开始都对此持怀疑态度。James Murphy, deacon of the diocese's mother church, the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, said church leaders are always skeptical at first.

因为善作执事的,自己就得到美好的地步,并且在基督耶稣里的真道上大有胆量。For they that have used the office of a deacon well purchase to themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.

在我成为回归派加尔文教徒前,我18岁的时候,一度是长老教会选出的最年轻的执事。Nor, am I ever likely to be. Once long ago, before I became a recovering Calvinist, I was the youngest deacon my Presbyterian church ever elected at age 18.