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这就是,肉体复活的概念“bodily resurrection."

这一切再也不能死而复苏。There would be no resurrection.

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十字架上的苦痛才会带来耶稣复活。Out of crucifixion comes resurrection.

复活之前要发生什么事?But what happens before the resurrection?

或是继续经营,以期浴火重生。or keep trading in the hope of resurrection.

其中最大的是基督复活教堂。The hugest one is Christ Resurrection Cathedral.

导,而是一场置之死地而后生的考验。Guide, but a set of the resurrection of the test.

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你的复活就是你的再度觉醒。T-6. I. 7. Your resurrection is your reawakening.

如果我们相信,肉体复活的概念的话。If we are willing to believe in bodily resurrection.

是十字架上的孤独将耶稣导向了复活。The loneliness of the cross led Jesus to the resurrection.

这个复活就是他们生为男孩子。This resurrection will be their delivery as the man-child.

我们已经历死亡,将会死而复生。We have experienced death,we will experience resurrection.

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这些传统跟耶稣复活有什么关系呢?And what do they have to do with the resurrection of Jesus?

保罗认为基督徒的复活还没有发生。For Paul the resurrection of Christians hasn't happened yet.

但在义人复活的时候,你必能得到赏报。For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.

基督教徒们庆祝耶稣基督的复活。Christians celebrate the resurrection of Christ from the death.

在复活的那个忙碌的星期天,耶稣还记挂着彼得。On busy Resurrection Sunday, Jesus took time out to find Peter.

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还是他的复活,抑或是他上升回到父的身边?or his resurrection? or his ascension going back to the Father?

宾对生存和复兴略知一二。Bing knows a thing or two about survival–and about resurrection.

他的死和复活是我在他的国里得生命的确据。His death and resurrection is my assurance of life in his kingdom.