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新娘满脸微笑,容光焕发。The bride smiled radiantly.

即使这样,他们脸上的笑容可以随时对我们绽放。Even so, they smile radiantly to us at any time.

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她站在后面,望着他,脸上露出灿烂的笑容。She stood back and looked at him, her face smiling radiantly.

皮肤的外观和感觉更清洁,更顺畅,更均匀,容光焕发的健康。Skin looks and feels cleaner, smoother, more even and radiantly healthy.

然而,无论大小,钻石继续闪耀在任何时候都容光焕发。However, no matter what the size, diamonds still sparkle radiantly at all times.

当你错过流星时,请不要流泪,明天,还会有灿烂的太阳升起。Do not weep at missing a shooting star, as the sun still rises radiantly tomorrow.

当你错过流星时,请不要流泪,明天还会升起灿烂的太阳。Do not weep at missing a shooting star , as the sun still rises radiantly tomorrow.

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当你错过流星时,请不要流泪,明天,还会有灿烂的升起!Do you weep at missing a shooting star , as the sun still rises radiantly tomorrow.

当你错过流星时,请不要流泪,明天,还会有灿烂的升起!Do not weep at missing a shooting star , as the sun still shines radiantly tomorrow.

一群过路的人引起了他的注意,两个男士和一位衣着华丽的妇女。A passing group attracted his attention, two gentlemen and a radiantly expensive lady.

它成了一种真实的存在,使一个人的精神像圣人那样光彩四溢。It becomes an authentic element that makes the spirit glow radiantly like that of a saint.

为广大中国玩家量身打造的全新即将璀璨诞生!Plays the family for general China to measure the body to make brand-new soon radiantly is born!

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然而,连最顽强的乐观者都不能断言英国家庭生活已经发生光辉地巨变。Yet not even the most dogged optimistcould say the British family life has radiantly transformed.

我注意到她背部上的弯曲神奇地消失了,她散乱的头发忽然变得十分美丽,光彩照人。I noticed her back was now mysteriously rid of its deformity and her straggling hair suddenly became radiantly beautiful.

中国电信业经过若干年的改革,已从一个垄断的时代逐渐走向一个有序竞争的时代。After many years of reforming, China's telecom industry has radiantly entered an era of orderly competition from monopoly.

倘若没有人对于这些东西声明是“我的”,他们就会喜气洋洋的飘泊而前,口中唱的歌儿是全地球的人都有一天希望听到的。If no one said to them "Mine" they would wander radiantly forth, singing the song which all the earth may some day hope to hear.

你的皮肤柔软比最好的缎子和照明发光,像太阳,设置了平静的池清澈的水。Your skin is softer than the finest satin and glows radiantly illuminating like the sun, setting over a serene pool of crystal clear water.

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经过黄浦江畔,我希望自己是绵绵江水中的一滴,为映衬世博会的精彩而闪烁光芒。As I pass the banks of the Huangpu River, I wish that I myself could be a drop in the flowing water, which reflects the greatness of the Expo and thus shines radiantly.

在关注健康的那一章中我将告诉你,你能保持非常健康,不用吃药、不用乏味的康复训练,不论你是身体虚弱的人、还是个行动不便、卧床不起的人。In the chapter on health I will show you that you can be radiantly well—without drugs, without tedious exercises. It matters not if you are crippled or bedridden or infirm.

练习太极拳,没必要在去练其他什么了,因为已经使身体更健康,情绪更平静,精神更饱满,并且可以获得更多的精神满足感。By practising just Tai Chi Chuan, without having to add anything from outside, one can be radiantly healthy, emotional calm, mentally fresh and may attain the highest spiritual fulfilment.