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他的作品缺乏创造性的想像力。His works show an uncreative imagination.

他们总在犯同样的错误,太没意思了。They make the same mistakes, so uncreative.

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这种重复又毫无创意的工作让她厌烦,所以她决定开创自己的事业。This repetitive and uncreative task bored her, so she decided to start her own business.

那说他决心公正地待你的人是多么不正常和不真诚啊!If he decides to stay put, again he might be criticized for being insincere and uncreative.

如果你把问题定义得太狭隘,可能只会找到一些很局限的、没有创造性的方案。If you define the problem too narrowly, your possible solutions may be very limited and uncreative.

这种不安定性的冒险的渴望,在极大程度上是无聊的虚幻的,因为它缺乏创造性。This restlessness and thirst for adventure is, for the most part, barren and illusory, Because it is uncreative.

回想一下上周所做的一切,什么是最具创造力的工作,何时做的,如何做的,什么工作需要冥思苦想,什么工作轻松即可完成。Since you might be wasting your most creative moments on uncreative tasks, try shifting things around for a while.

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日常交往由于其自身的封闭性、自在性、重复性、缺乏创造性等特征限制了人的发展。Everyday association restricts people's development due to its closed, comfortable, repeated, and uncreative features.

当思想从比较和认同以及它们毫无创造性的重负中摆脱之后,就会变得平静和清晰。When thought is free of comparison and identification and their uncreative burden, it is then able to be calm and clear.

当代艺术并不缺少想象力,因为当代艺术家鄙视没有创造和因循守旧的东西。The temporary arts are in no lack of imagination, because the temporary artists despise the crusted and uncreative works.

而说得不多的成员在一些不怎么好的特质方面得分很高,诸如“普通和缺乏创造力”。The ones who didn't speak as much tended to score higher for less desirable traits, including "conventional and uncreative."

对于江西诗派的一味摹拟,元好问给予尖锐的批评,并指出了他们不能面对现实的要害。As for the Jiangxi poetry school's invariable and uncreative imitation of the previous poetry, Yuan bowen voiced his fierce criticism for their lack of courage to face the reality.

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美国的商业和工业饱受无进取心的,缺乏创造力的管理人员之苦,这些人受的教育是自己不要思考,而是说一些时时的、在世界上其他地方早已抛弃的陈词滥调。American businesses and industries suffer from unenterprising, uncreative executives educated not to think for themselves but to mouth outdated truisms the rest of the world has long discarded.

制药公司通常是在药品研发的后期介入的,制药公司支付成本昂贵但不再有创新的研发后期的部分费用,譬如买一些化学品和进行必要的药物测试。Drug companies usually come in late in the process of development, and pay for part of the expensive but largely uncreative final stages, like buying some of the chemicals and trials that are needed.