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作者报告一例具有多种先天性异常的三染色体22症的活产女婴。A case of trisomy 22 liveborn female baby with multiple congenital anomalies is described.

推导公式确定比例的父亲是21三体。Derivation of a formula for determination of proportion of paternal trisomy 21 is presented.

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楷体贵活,隶体贵灵,行体贵稳。三体同练就能互补。You live in italics, Li You-ling body, the expensive solid body. Trisomy trained with each other.

唐氏综合症又称21三体综合症,发生率大约在八百分之一,产妇年龄越大,发病率越高。Down's syndrome or trisomy 21 occurs in around 1 in 800 births and older women are at higher risk.

招霞,孙海翔,胡娅莉染色体16三体人胚胎干细胞系的建立★。Zhao X. , Sun H. -X. , Hu Y. -L. Establishment of a human embryonic stem cell line with trisomy 16.

三染色体22症会引起严重的先天性畸形,因此活产病例相当少见。Cases of trisomy 22 usually present with many severe malformations, and they rarely survive to term.

三体综合症在医学研究上备受关注,但其确切机制仍未明确。Trisomy has been the focus of extensive medical research but the exact mechanism is still not understood.

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这不但证实了三体8和四体8克隆的存在,还发现存在一个较小的五体8克隆。This confirmed the presence of tetrasomy 8 and trisomy 8 and also revealed a low percentage of a pentasomy 8 clone.

除了正常染色体对以外,还存在有第二种同源染色体的非整倍体状态,被称为三体性。An aneuploid state in which a third homologous chromosome is present in addition to the normal autosomal pair is called trisomy.

运用该技术我们成功地利用羊水标本诊断了18三体综合征,21三体综合征以及Klinefelter综合征各一例。Cases of 18 trisomy, 21 trisomy and Klinefelter Syndrome were diagnosed respectively using the established technique in our lab.

与同有鼻骨的胎儿相比,那些没有鼻骨的胎儿估计有高于前者约150倍发生第21对染色体三体的机率。Relative to fetuses with a nasal bone, those without a nasal bone were estimated to have about 150-times the risk of having trisomy 21.

结论唐氏综合征动物模型16三体鼠伴有先天性巨结肠,这种动物模型可用于研究先天性巨结肠病。Conclusion Trisomy 16 mice occur with congenital megacolon, and trisomy 16 mice may be also regard as an animal model for Hirschsprung's disease.

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同步练三体已经被众多的书法爱好者采用,是有科学性的,是完全可以让初学书法者运用的练字途经。Synchronous firing trisomy has been used many calligraphy lovers, yes there is scientific in nature, are totally beginner can practice calligraphy calligraphy are used via.

同步练三体已被众多的书法爱好者采用,有科学性的,完全可以让初学书法者运用的练字途径。Synchronous firing trisomy has been used many calligraphy lovers, has a scientific nature, is entirely possible to allow the use of learning calligraphy are ways to practice calligraphy.