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我拿起了自己的小桶。I picked up my bucket.

你的水桶有多满?How Full is Your Bucket?

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这桶需添满。The bucket needs filling.

那人把水桶交还给她。The man handed her the bucket.

桶潲水倒掉吧。Pour away this bucket of slops.

肯莫尔制冷机冰桶。Kenmore refrigerator ice bucket.

水由桶中溅出来。The water spilt from the bucket.

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我们用绳子把吊桶放下去。We let the bucket down by a rope.

我去拿一桶泔脚来。I'll go and get a bucket of slops.

在二十年代有一种,投机商号。In the 20s we had the bucket shop.

水从桶里溅出。The water spilled from the bucket.

咱们用绳子把桶吊下去。We let the bucket dhave by a rope.

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西蒙把桶里装满了水。Simon filled the bucket with water.

拆下筒式挺杆和切换挺杆。Remove bucket and switching tappets.

那匹马踢翻了一个牛奶桶。The horse kicked over a milk bucket.

伊芙说,“我去拎一桶水来。”Eve said, I'll get a bucket of water.

事实上,我们卖的DVD还真不少。In fact, we sold bucket loads of them.

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把桶里的剩水倒出来。Pour out the water left in the bucket.

使用后要彻底洗净冰桶。Rinse ice bucket thoroughly after use.

他将水桶放下井去取些水。She let down the bucket into the well.