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他们能处理复杂的局面吗?Can they grapple with the complex situation?

上去之后你会找到两个谜语奖杯。Grapple up there and you'll find two Riddler trophies.

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然而,这就是中国领导人做决策时必须始终考虑到的基本国情。This is the challenge Chinese leaders have to grapple with.

我们还必须解决匿名发表言论的问题。And we must also grapple with the issue of anonymous speech.

它们都有吸引人的部分,而作为一个人你必须抓住这两点They both have some attraction and one has to grapple with that.

如果它通过了擒抱鉴定,它确定抓住并能够使用压缩。If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict.

这种参赛者努力想要克服的矛盾的紧张感是非常有趣的。This contradicting tension which the players grapple with is interesting.

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翻墙进去跑到后面然后用抓钩上到上层的阳台。Grapple over the wall, run to the back and grapple onto the upper balcony.

敌军在与我军小股部队交战中,几乎可以指望自己不上当。In his grapple with the small unit he can pretty well count on not being bluffed.

1987年以前的法律就竭力解决第208条中的问题,但效果不明显。Pre-1987 law made an ineffectual effort to grapple with the problem in section 208.

渔夫想抓住顺流漂下的罐子,可是没抓住。The fisherman tried to grapple the urn which was floating down the river,but failed.

这一个即将昂被处于阿克汉姆北门顶上。抓上去你就成功了。The trophy is on top of the Arkham North door. Just grapple up there and you're done.

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然后它能够尝试一次擒抱,作为一个不挑起机会攻击的自由动作。It can then try to start a grapple as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity.

它能够再尝试开始一场战斗作为一个自由动作,而不用消耗一次攻击机会。It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.

而现在,奥巴马将会使用一些自己独有的方式,来鼓励我们尽力渡过目前的经济危机。Now Obama will have some of his own reassuring to do as we grapple with the current economic crisis.

警察当局警告公众,与那个通缉犯格斗是危险的,因为他携带武器。The police warned the public that it would be dangerous to grapple with the wanted man, as he was armed.

作者也没能解决基督教和正统派犹太教反革命的冲动。The authors also fail to grapple with the anti-progressive impulses of Christian and Jewish fundamentalism.

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在这次会谈之前的几个月,美中两国一直争吵不休,特别是在贸易方面相互掣肘。The meeting comes after months of discord and as the two countries continue to grapple with trade disputes.

在我们考虑如何养活世界不断增长的人口之际,希勒尔博士的工作将变得更加重要。Hillel's work will become even more important as we grapple with how to feed the world's growing population.

擒拿格斗课程是警察院校各专业学生的必修课,其教学目标是使学生学会抓捕技巧和培养实战格斗能力。The course of catch and grapple is the required course for all students of each specialty in Police Collgeg.