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环湖栈桥,逆光,南京,2007冬季。Trestle circling around the lake, backlighting, Nanking, winter 2007

论文的第一篇是关于铁路栈桥列车牵引计算。The first piece is about the tractive calculation on railway trestle.

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翠西的父亲亲手制作了那立在花盆中的脚手架。Emin's father constructed the wooden trestle sitting amongst the potted plants.

和龙高架桥现浇箱梁经过方案比较选用钢管桩支架施工。Helong trestle was constructed by steel tube pile bracket after comparing some schemes.

自1892年以来,与青岛一样历史年久,栈桥横跨黄海。As old as the city of Qingdao, the Trestle Bridge has sat astride the Yellow Sea since 1892.

大跨度拱桁式钢引桥是外海开敞式深水码头栈桥常用的上部结构型式之一。Large-span arch truss steel bridge is a common superstructure of trestle bridge on open sea.

在栈桥或者五四广场可以坐快艇,从海上开一下青岛,也是很美的。Place in the trestle or 54 can take a speedboat from the sea like Qingdao, is also beautiful.

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介绍悬索栈桥的设计及施工要点。In this paper, the key points of design and construction of the suspension trestle are described.

在舞台上,一些人坐在一张搁板长桌后面,校长坐在中间。On the stage, a number of men sat behind a long trestle table, with the headmaster in the middle.

文章根据桥门式起重机轨道的工作状况及环境,开发了一种适于轨道检测的单轨机器人。A single-rail inspection robot is developed according to the work condition of bridge and trestle cranes rail.

铁路栈桥与铁路根据规划要求布置在厂区西南侧。Railway trestle and railway are arranged in the southwest of the plant area according to planning requirement.

这里有张长凳,一张由石板凑成的架子而已,但他是怎么知道他恰好就在这里能找到这个?There was a bench there, a mere trestle of stone slabs, but how had he known he would find it at just that spot?

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对新长铁路江阴铁路轮渡栈桥的结构和施工情况做了简要介绍。The structure and construction technique of the Jiangyin Ferry Trestle Bridge on Xin-Chang Railway Lines were introduced.

第二天,他在树下支起了买来的工作台,卷起袖子,哼着歌开始工作了。The next day, he set up the trestle table we had bought under a tree, and there he worked with his shirt off, and singing.

随着一个个名字被叫出,很多老师走上舞台,缓缓经过搁板长桌,并接受他们的证书。Name after name was called out and various teachers went up on stage, filing past the trestle table to collect their certificates.

阐述汕头市龙湖沟整治中截污干管的基坑支护设计。The paper states the design of the trestle protection of foundation pit of intercepting trunk in Longhugou regulation in Santou City.

根据车辆组成的荷载频值谱,建立了广州市高架桥疲劳荷载车辆模型。The fatigue-loaded vehicle model of Guangzhou trestle bridges was then set up on the basis of the simplified load frequency value spectrum.

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介绍花清高速公路高架桥在石灰岩溶岩地区的桩基础施工技术。The pile foundation construction technique at dissolution lime- rock area for the trestle bridge of Huaqing Express Highway are introduced.

项目由接收站工程、码头栈桥工程和外输管道工程组成,分一期、二期和远期工程。Project from the terminal works, piers and trestle construction projects outside the pipeline components, sub-one, two and long-term project.

根据桥址特点和主要技术标准要求,对杭州湾跨海大桥南岸栈桥进行了方案设计,主要介绍了竞标钢栈桥的组成、构造和施工方法。According to the features of the bridge site and the technology requirements, the trestle in the south bank of Hangzhou bay bridge is designed.