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这是告诫性的。This is of an admonitory nature.

她向儿子投去责备的目光。She shot an admonitory glance at her son.

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但是,“他举起一根粗短的、警告的手指,”还有很多其他需要考虑到的事情。But, " he held up a stubby , admonitory finger, "there are other considerations.

目的使警示标识牌的图案及警示语句达到规范化。Objective To standardize the warning languages and the patterns in admonitory plates.

有时候,他会为自己怀疑的图片添加警告性注释。Occasionally, he can add admonitory sex explanatory note for the picture that his suspects.

不要忘了在消息中加入提醒收信人修改地址的警告信息。Did not forget to add the admonitory information that warns addressee to revise an address in the message.

然后,友谊的重要性和自我保护被告知在白雪公主这也是一个朴实和警示的童话故事。Then, the importance of friendship and self-protection are told in Snow White which is also an unadorned and admonitory fairy story.

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伯爵夫人以庄重的微笑与他们招呼,阿切尔觉察到主人对他责备的目光,便起身让出了他的座位。The Countess greeted them with her grave smile, and Archer, feeling his host's admonitory glance on him, rose and surrendered his seat.

把警告信息作为说明部分,该说明能自动附加于所有发出的新闻消息之后。Regard demonstrative part as admonitory information, this specification can add automatically at the news word that all giving out later.

萨利大学的研究报道发现女人乐意让她们的男人打鼾。同时男人也很可能受到刺激的警告。Research from Surrey University has found that women tend to let their partners snore, while men are more likely to give an admonitory prod.

最后纳西莎赶到了一个叫做蛛尾巷的小道上,从这儿往上望去,磨粉厂的烟囱高耸着,就像一个巨人在晃动他警告的手指。At last, Narcissa hurried up a street named Spinner's End, over which the towering mill chimney seemed to hover like a giant admonitory finger.

一旦这个选项设为未检查的,那么你讲不能得到一个要求表重新创建的更改以及执行你的更改的警告信息。Once this option is set, be what did not check, so you tell what cannot get watch of a requirement is founded afresh to change and the change admonitory message that carries out you.

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这往往是动脉内压力突然升高,使血管壁的痛觉器官受到刺激的表现,是脑出血的警告信号。This often is force of arterial internal pressure lifts suddenly, make the organ of sense of pain of hemal wall is behaved excitingly, it is the admonitory signal of cerebral hemorrhage.

思想丰富,内隐批判的锋芒,涌动生命的张力,具有深刻的社会启示和新闻传播学警思。It has abundant thoughts and connotative animadversion, surging tensile force of life, gives profound sociological apocalypse and admonitory thinking on journalism and communication science.