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基督是我们的普遍性的基础。Christ is the basis of our Universalism.

对于普遍主义有很多偏见。There was a lot of prejudice about universalism.

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这是普世的,对所有植根于犹太教和妥拉的观点而言。It's a universalism to all that's firmly anchored in Judaism and the Torah.

第四,说基督的死,为大家在逻辑上导致了普遍性。Fourth, to say that Christ died for everyone logically leads to universalism.

普救论只需要一点点律法或福音而已。The teaching of universalism has little need for either the law or the gospel.

否则,十八世纪的普遍性是一个多元化和非相干运动。Otherwise eighteenth century universalism was a diverse and noncoherent movement.

而邓正来在书中所体现出来的国别主义则无法对抗普遍主义。The idea basic of national state in Deng Zhenglai's book can not resist universalism.

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这些结果不依赖于脉冲的形状,具有一定的普遍性。The results are independent of the shape of pulse, and so it is of certain universalism.

很明显的,西方人文主义者并没有办法从普世主义与理性主义中解脱出来。It is obvious that western humanists are not able to think out of universalism and rationalism.

但是在近代主权国家形成以后,法律的普遍主义要素受到全面否定。But, the universalism factor of law has been denied since the modern sovereign states were formed.

普救论与圣经的教导——“公义圣洁的神将惩罚罪人”——相背离。Universalism opposes the Bible's teaching that God is a just and holy God who will punish sinners.

换句话说,根据费希特,德国爱国者现在应该揭露法国普遍的神话。In other words, according to Fichte, German patriots should now expose the myth of French universalism.

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这种融合被认定有能力避免抽象的普世主义和封闭的特殊主义这两个极端。This integration is predicated the ability to avoid both abstract universalism and closed particularism.

竖向地震作用在地震中造成的破坏是客观存在的,且具有普遍性。The destruction induced by vertical seismic action during earthquake is existent objectively, and universalism.

古代罗马法有着市民法和万民法之分,其中万民法代表了罗马法的普遍主义要素。The ancient Roman Law is divided into ius cigvile and ius gentius . The ius gentius represents the universalism factor.

从语言类型学的分析角度看,语气副词的分布具有位置灵活的共性。Form the perspective of linguistic typology, modal adverbs have the syntactic universalism that is flexible in position.

用社会学的词汇来说,中国人的这种特点叫做特殊主义,美国人的这一特点叫做普世主义。In sociological terms, particularism is characteristic of the Chinese while universalism is characteristic of Americans.

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普遍主义是西方文化传统的一个显性基因,也是自由主义的一个基本要素。Universalism is not only a distinct gene of western cultural tradition, but also an elementary constituent of liberalism.

科学和艺术的共同基础是人类的创造力,它们追求的目标都是真理的普遍性。The common foundation of science and art is human creativity, and their goals are all to pursue the universalism of the truth.

各国宁愿选择适合各自特定环境情况的政策,而不愿接受京都制度所体现的自上而下的普遍性政策。Rather than the top-down universalism embodied in Kyoto, countries would choose policies that suit their particular circumstances.