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一种黑色矿物,是铌、钽矿石。A black mineral that is an ore of niobium and '.

铌是制造超导钢制品的一种软金属。Niobium is a soft metal used in producing superconducting steel.

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用分光光度法可以测定低合金钢中的铌。Niobium in the low alloy steel was determined by spectrophotometry.

铌是转变温度最高的金属元素。Niobium is the metallic element with the highest transition temperature.

铌、稀土成矿作用与脉状、瘤状碳酸岩有关。The niobium rare earth mineralization was concerned with tumour carbonatite.

CBMM在一份声明中说,这些企业都是CBMM铌业务的现有客户。They are existing clients of CBMM's niobium business, CBMM said in a statement.

研究了锻造开坯、轧制、热处理工艺对铌带深冲性能的影响。The niobium strips were fabricated by forging-cogging, rolling and heat treatment.

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取代酰胺萃取分离铌、钽的性能良好。N-Substituted amides possess excellent properties for the separation of niobium and tantalum.

介绍了采用电子背散射衍射测定深冲用再结晶铌板织构的结果。Textures in deep punching niobium sheets have been examined by the EBSD technology in the present paper.

同时,还对用金属铌作为超导陀螺仪转子材料进行了分析和解释。Then , it has explained that the metal niobium is used as the superconducting gyroscope rotor's material.

含铌化合物也作为助剂或光催化剂,广泛地应用于催化多种化学反应。Compounds containing niobium can also be widely used in a variety of chemical reactions as assistant or photocatalysts.

实验研究了难分解铌钽矿在高浓度氢氧化钾溶液中浸出过程的机理。The leaching mechanism of niobium from a refractory niobium-tantalum ore by concentrated potassium hydroxide was studied.

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讨论合金中铌元素的定性和半定量分析方法,结果能满足材料牌号鉴别的需要。The research results can meet the requirements about qualitative analysis and semi-quantitative analysis of niobium in alloy.

建立了一种核磁共振波谱测定钽、铌生产的废液中氟含量的方法。A method for the determination of fluorine in tantalum and niobium production waste liquid by 19F-NMR technology was developed.

成立于1955年CBMM主要开采巴西东南部米纳斯吉拉斯州Araxa城附近的铌矿。CBMM, established in 1955, mines the niobium deposit located near the city of Araxa, in the southeastern state of Minas Gerais.

现有的金属铌和铌基合金制备工艺复杂、成本高、能耗大、污染环境。The existing pyrometallurgical process to prepare metal niobium is complex, expensive, energy intensive and probably polluting.

同时铌的加入扩大了产生贝氏体的冷速范围,含铌低碳钢中贝氏体的量显著增多。Bainite transformation region was enlarged by addition of niobium. There is much more bainite in niobium-bearing low carbon steel.

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铀表面不同温度注入铌离子试样的电极化曲线变化趋势相同,均处于活化体系。The anodization changes of the niobium ion sample implanted to the uranium surface at different temperatures have a same tendency.

研究了用酸浸与钠碱熔融法从钨渣中富集和回收钽铌。The enrichment and recovery of tantalum and niobium through acid leaching and sodium alkali fusing from tungsten residue is studied.

铌在HSLA钢中已经取得了它正常、突出的位置,不久在双相钢与无间隙原子钢中也会出现。Niobium has already achieved its normal, prominent position in the HSLA steels and will soon appear in the DP and IF steels, as well.