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有自愿者吗?There. A volunteer?

我需要一名志愿者Oh. I need a volunteer.

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铁穆特欧是志愿者。Timoteo is a volunteer.

所以我选了去当志愿者。I decided to become a volunteer.

我加入了深圳市义工联。I have joined the volunteer team.

为此,我需要一个志愿者。And for this I need one volunteer.

这里有两个循环对不对?Anybody want to volunteer a guess?

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他们会对你的志愿者办事付以报酬吗?Do they pay you for volunteer work?

尽管中学教室不像低年级那样会为提供帮助的家长留出位置,但你仍可以做其他方面的志愿者。But you can volunteer in other ways.

我参加志愿者是因为我有时间。I volunteer because I have the time.

有没有自告奋勇的?Who's willing to volunteer a reason?

我叫李斯通。我是一名志愿者。My name is Stone Lee. I'm a volunteer.

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工作人员也很坏心!The volunteer workers were also so bad!

积极培育志愿服务队伍。It will actively foster volunteer teams.

到时将有许多的志愿者。There will be lots of volunteer helpers.

她现在做梦都想当2008奥运会的志愿者。And she dreams to be a volunteer in 2008.

我是紧急网页的志工人员。I am a volunteer emergency personnel page.

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你曾干过什么样的志愿工作?What kind of volunteer work have you done?

好。我在很多地方做志愿者。Yes, I'm a volunteer at a couple of places.

那个人是镇里的志愿消防队员。That man is a volunteer fireman in this town.