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她们不会因为想到一块美味牛排而流口水。They don't salivate at the thought of a great steak.

游戏产业的主管们对Zynga的快速增长垂涎三尺,但是他们却瞧不起它开发的游戏质量。Game industry executives salivate over Zynga's growth rates.

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就像巴浦洛夫的狗,一听到铃响,就会分泌唾液。It’s similar to Pavlov’s dogs learning to salivate when the bell rang.

如果你感到口干和有口臭时,嚼口香糖可促使唾液的分泌。Chewing gum makes you salivate if your mouth is dry and causing bad breath.

听到手机新短信的铃声或是震动就流口水,迫不及待要看看内容。And we salivate each time we hear the beep or vibration of a new text message.

杰克听到喵喵叫声后,立即开始分泌唾液,口水流出嘴巴,气喘吁吁。Jake heard the meowing and immediately began to salivate. And drool. And pant.

弦刚熟'油炸蝗虫的人看了真的垂涎三尺。String which has just been cooked 'fried grasshopper' people really salivate after reading.

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所以,当中国前领导人之书出版发行,这一难得时刻,国内诸如我辈不禁垂涎以待。And so on the rare occasions that published works of former leaders arrive, China nerds like me salivate.

看看所有这些饿的要死的男模吧,他们没有工作,只因为人们爱这个小豆芽菜爱到想把他含在嘴里。Look at all these starving male models who are out of work because people want to salivate over this stringbean.

他通过在狗的颊上切割洞,及测量他们在不同刺激下的流口水的反应,来完善他的条件反射技术。Dogs salivate on cue. He perfected his conditioning responseamount they salivated in response to different stimuli. Pavlov.

正如巴甫洛夫的狗一听到铃就分泌唾液,人遇上和某些食品有关的活动就会想到吃。Just as Pavlov's dogs learned to salivate at the sound of a bell, the activities we associate with food can become signals to eat.

巴普洛夫在每次喂狗前摇铃,一段时间之后,只摇铃就能让狗垂涎三尺,这就是著名的条件反射试验。Just as Pavlov was able to get a dog to salivate at the sound of a bell, McDonald's gets your juices flowing anytime you hear their jingle.

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他发现只要接下来给狗食物,几乎任何像摇铃、闪光这样的活动都可以让狗分泌唾液。He found that he could condition the dog to salivate at almost any event—when a bell rang or a light flashed, for example—as long as event was followed by food.

投资者可能会垂涎印度尼西亚、印度和中国等新兴国家内保险业的前景,但更为成熟的一些亚洲市场依然存在一定生命力。IN VESTORS may salivate over insurance prospects in the emerg in g markets of Indonesia, In dia and Ch in a, but the more mature Asian markets seem to have life in them yet.

这是他们对股价不断走低,利润不断增长的公司股票情有独钟的原因之一,越跌越买。It's one reason why many managers will salivate at a large, established company with growing profits but a shrinking stock price. If the stock keeps falling, they'll just buy more.

刚开始时,你可能会想念那些甜食,但当你一看到一碗发亮的葡萄或一片熟透的哈蜜瓜就开始流口水时也别惊讶。You may miss sugary-sweet items at first, but don't be surprised if you find you're starting to salivate at the sight of a bowlful of glistening grapes or a slice of ripe honeydew melon.

洛杉矶的电影制片巨头曾一度垂涎于中国市场,想把中国13亿民众变成好莱坞影迷,他们颇有兴趣进军中国电影业。Studio heads in Los Angeles salivate over the thought of China's 1.3 billion citizens turning into a Hollywood film buffs. There is already great interest in going to the movies in China.