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指导原则依然是管制。Control is still the watchword.

透明是这个过程中的口号。Transparency is the watchword here.

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多才多艺是这个时代的口号。Versatility is the watchword today.

“下不为例”成了口号。"Never again" became the watchword.

纪律是伟大执行者们的口号。Discipline is the watchword of great performers.

实际上,开放性看起来已成为这次革新运动的口号。In fact, openness appears to be the watchword for this renewed bustle.

但我们可以想到初期节奏将是循序渐进的,原因有几个.But there are several reasons to assume that gradualism will be the initial watchword

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尽管陈汉典的成名之路不同寻常,勤奋努力仍然是要义。Although Chen's path to stardom is rather unusual, hard work has still been a watchword.

尽管存在担忧,但“透明”这个词已成为公民社会的口号。Despite these concerns, the term “transparency” has become a watchword in civil society.

财政紧缩代替经济刺激,成为了各国政府减少财政赤字的议题。Austerity has replaced stimulus as the watchword of governments seeking to pay down deficits.

“设计”曾是Canonical产品周期中的口号,并且导致了大量的表面的改变。Design has been the watchword around Canonical this cycle, resulting in lots of cosmetic changes.

如何了很大的一致性的口号已经在本赛季为宝马索伯车队和自己呢?Q. How much has consistency been the watchword of the season for the BMW Sauber team and for yourself?

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在未来,有利于第三方服务提供商将是运营商的口号。Becoming more useful to third-party service providers needs to be the watchword for operators in the future.

中央银行对于达到增长目标持乐观态度,尽管“谨慎”也成为了标题口号。Beijing remains optimistic it can hit its growth targets, although “caution” is becoming the watchword around here.

到1545年年底,“上帝佑我女王。”已成为英国海军的口号,回的口令当时“君王统治天长地久。”By 1545 " God save the King"had become a watchword of the British navy, to be responded to by "long to reign over us.

分析师称,无论是订购库存也好,还是雇用员工,"谨慎"将是今年假日季零售商的口号."Caution" will be the watchword for retailers this holiday season, whether it comes to ordering inventory or hiring employees, analysts said.

谨慎灵活"以全会的政策方针被定立下来,同重点保护经济增长,已成为三月以来的口号。"Caution and flexibility" were laid down by the plenum as the policy guidelines, along with the focus on protecting growth which has become the watchword since March.

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Graetz提到,在1986年谈判初期,美国立法者决定维持财政收入中立,或不提高新的财政收入.这是税收改革的"口号和指导方针".Early in the 1986 negotiations, lawmakers decided to maintain revenue neutrality, or not raise new revenues. It was "the watchword and guiding star" for tax reform, Graetz said.

在最后几天的官方竞选活动中,当反对派领袖的车队在坎帕拉东部的欢呼人群中缓慢穿行的时候,身着蓝色服装的支持者们高呼变革的口号。Change was the watchword among the opposition leader's blue-clad supporters on the last day of official campaigning, as his convoy inched through cheering crowds in eastern Kampala.

作为口令传给众将校——这是因为佩提尼纳克斯先帝在就任皇帝时使用的口令是“让我们当兵吧!Then he ordered the watchword ' let us work' to be given to the tribune, because Pertinax when he was admitted to the imperial position had given the watchword ' Let us be soldiers'.