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这条线有许多车可转。This route has many transfers.

转另一只手的大鱼际。Transfers another hand's big fish border.

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有些项目的工作与转移贴花。Some applique projects work with transfers.

全双工数据传输是什么意思?What does "full-duplex data transfers" mean?

这样,再逆时针方向转6圈。Thus, the counter clockwise transfers 6 again.

谁在夜空划下一道硬伤?Who transfers a hard wound down in the night sky?

这个策略在书和家具上同样行得通。This strategy transfers well to books and furniture.

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使用脚本控制功能来安排文件传输。Use its scripting feature to schedule file transfers.

使用水彩颜料来润色宝丽来转移。Use watercolor paints to touch up Polaroid transfers.

移植液体培养物可采用吸管。Transfers of liquid cultures can also be made by pipette.

每年你都有一个几寸厚的自由球员单子。Every year you get a list, inches thick, of free transfers.

所有传输的数据都是由主控器发起的。All the data transfers are initiated by the host controller.

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每个服务器向彼此发送所有邮件信息。Each server transfers all mail messages to the other server.

镁是许多酶转变的辅助因素。Magnesium is involved as a cofactor in many enzyme transfers.

一种棘齿装置把线从线轴转到梭心上。A ratchet mechanism transfers the thread from spool to bobbin.

其实它的通用名称是“有条件的现金转移支付计划”。The generic term for the program is conditional cash transfers.

若在考前10个工作日之内,改期是不允许的。Transfers are not permitted within 10 working days of the test.

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相反的,圆顶的负荷由一个扇形结构转移到更多的圆顶上。Instead, the dome transfers out in a scallop shape to more domes.

参加者在本会确认班别后不得转班或退款。No refunds and transfers after the confirmation of the registration.

这种留置设备的行为会削弱俄罗斯面向CSTO成员国的军售。Such transfers could undercut Russia'smilitary sales to CSTO states.