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到科比展现终结者本色的时候了。Time for Kobe to go Kyra.

我们需要卖底来抵消扣比。We need Tmac to offset Kobe.

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一个技术犯规给科比布莱恩特!A technical foul to Kobe Bryant!

科比·布莱恩特是球队最大的明星。Kobe Bryant is their biggest star.

神户市中心,三宫地区。The middle of Kobe , SANNOMIYA area.

俺爱篮球,俺爱科比布莱恩句号。I love basketball, I love Kobe Byrant.

更深一层说,科比还是一个被宠怀的毛孩子。Deep down, Kobe is still the spoiled brat.

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山猫队的防守在科比的进攻下不堪一击。The Bobcats'defense was no match for Kobe.

神户的灾难使得新的热心公益的力量滋生。Out of Kobe grew new civic-minded energies.

科比25分进账,皮尔斯勇猛拿下38分。Kobe scored 25 and Pierce scored 38 bravely.

科比是第四节的杀手。Kobe Brant is a killer in the fourth quarters.

在美国和中国销售榜上,科比的球衣也是销量第一。Kobe also topped the list in the US and China.

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科比听到艾佛森所说的话后笑了。Kobe Bryant smiled when told what Iverson said.

他们还生动地回想起1995年的神户大地震。They vividly recall their own Kobe quake of 1995.

我不再想去东京,大阪,神户,奈良。I do not want to go to Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe and Nara.

我喜欢科比只因为他的霸气跟王者风范!I like Kobe because of his domineering and demeanor!

科比布莱恩特。我最喜欢的就是NBA。他是最出色的球员。Kobe Bryant. I like NBA best .He is the best player.

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科比-布莱恩特与他的洛杉矶湖人想再跟你们过招。Kobe Bryant and his Los Angeles Lakers want a rematch.

我最喜欢的那家餐馆供应神户产的中上级牛肉。My favorite restaurant offers choice steaks from Kobe.

科比远远出现在那辆黑色车边。Kobe Bryant emerges from the far side of the black Nav.