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不同类型的可视化的心灵运输是。The different types of visual teleportation are.

优化相干态量子隐形传态的保真度。Optimizing the fidelity of coherent state of quantum teleportation.

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优化薛定谔猫态量子隐形传态的保真度。Optimizing the fidelity of Schrodinger cat states of quantum teleportation.

这种方案推广到纠缠态在隐形传态中的重建。This scheme is fit for reestablishment of entangled state in teleportation.

传送杖的价格由原来的100金增加到了150金。Staff of Teleportation gold cost has been increased to 150 gold from 100 gold.

法阵将其内部的所有生物传送到指定位置。Teleportation Circle. Circle teleports any creature inside to designated spot.

然后以上述量子态作为纠缠资源讨论了隐形传态方案。Then we propose the protocol of teleportation of Milburn via such quantum states.

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能够透过次元进行传送的强大近战单位。也能使用相位转移。A strong melee unit capable of teleportation through the warp. Can also Phase Shift.

本文提出一种单原子态的可控的量子隐形传态的腔QED方案。A controlled teleportation scheme for single atomic quantum state is proposed in cavity QED.

她说,“曾有两种实现传送的方法,但都有其局限性。”"There used to be two ways of doing teleportation and both had their limitations," she said.

本文提出了一个基于腔QED的隐形传送四比特团簇类态方案。We present a feasible scheme for teleportation of four-qubit cluster-class state in cavity QED.

在心灵运输试验成功的递增度能减少或排除方向感丧失。Increasing degrees of success on the Teleportation Trial can reduce or eliminate disorientation.

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不过,澳大利亚国立大学最近已经实现了远距离传送的一项新的突破。However, a new breakthrough in teleportation has just been made at Australian National University.

暂态移动包括将时空折叠,从而将一个物体或自身从一个地方移动到另一个地方。Teleportation involves folding time and space thereby moving an object or oneself from one place unto another.

然而他的好日子即将走到尽头,一个名叫“游侠”的神秘组织专门追踪具有心灵传输能力的异能者。However, his day is coming to an end, a mysterious organization called "Ranger" tracks with teleportation ability.

然后,我会去郊外走走,一个远离尘嚣的地方,这也是我第一次要用到“任意门”。Later, I'd go walking somewhere wild, away from everything, which is when I'd first need that teleportation device.

虽然选用了不同的量子信道,但同样可以实现任意三粒子态的概率隐形传输。Although choosing different quantum channel, we also may realize teleportation of an arbitrary three-particle state.

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我更期待某种瞬间移动或者任何可以比现在拥有的更舒适便捷的运输方式。I’d much rather have some kind of teleportation or anything that’s faster and more comfortable than what we have now.

正与此相反,这不过是远程传送的能量溢出的结果,而传送正是神族科技的强项。On the contrary, it is merely the result of teleportation , which is one of the chief strengths of Protoss technology.

太空旅行、时光旅行、远距传送等,说不定在我们这一辈子会亲眼见到一两个重大突破。Space tourism, time travel, teleportation and so on, we will experience at least a partial breakthrough in our lifetime.