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但他补充说,这都是由相互不理解所造成的。But, he adds, many arise from mutual incomprehension.

他转向苏泰。苏泰凝视着他,眼神里满是畏惧和不理解。He turns to Tsu’tey, who stares at him with fear and incomprehension.

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一位处理这类案件的美国工作人员抱怨,这些要求被日本法院以不了解为理由应付。Such requests are met with incomprehension by Japanese courts, complains an American official dealing with the issue.

然而,人们对桉树的生境还不甚了解,对发展桉树的认识也存在一些分歧。However, there are some censures about the development of Eucalyptus for the incomprehension of the Eucalyptus habitat.

司法究罪的诸多困境直接反映了走私罪的刑事法律存在缺陷。Some doubts and incomprehension in the course of investigating into the crime directly show the defects in the legislation on smuggling.

当无厘头再也无法推高繁荣的泡沫,当经济崩溃铺天盖地袭来,毫不奇怪,这个狂欢同盟也就一下子从狂喜转为狂怒。When incomprehension no longer produces new heights of prosperity, but rather economic collapse and failure, it is not surprising that it turns to anger.

在进行印刷前能给您最好的印刷建议,包括纸张、色彩、后道工序等,减少因对印刷整个流程不了解而产生的麻烦和浪费。We can offer you prior advice of paper , colour, back working procedure, and so on. So we reduce the unnecessary trouble and waste because of incomprehension.

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等问题,我觉得那是因为他们对中国不了解,作为中国交流学生的我,很大方地对他们的问题做出回应并向他们介绍我的祖国。I think that is as a result of their incomprehension of Chinese culture and I'm supposed to tell them how China looks like as an exchange student who comes from China.

她露出满口洁白的牙齿欢迎他,对他的问询困惑地摇了摇头,带他穿过狭窄的门廊,进了一间生了火的低矮客厅。She welcomed him with all her white teeth, and answering his enquiries by a head-shake of incomprehension led him through the narrow hall into a low firelit drawing- room.

可事实上,恰恰是这个观念导致西方不能理解其他文明的本质,让人们陷入了将西方与非西方等量齐观的错误。However, it is a conception which developed out of Western incomprehension of the essence of other worlds, out of the mistake of measuring them all with a Western yardstick.

当英国1981年爆发暴动时,来自布里斯顿、莫斯侧、托斯德的暴徒将国家置于种族紧张和信任匮乏的毒汤中。When England erupted in weeks of violence in 1981, the riots in Brixton, Moss Side and Toxteth left the country in a toxic stew of racial tension and mutual incomprehension.

这一幕非常巧妙,通过某种幽默对周围冷酷无情的环境起到了缓解作用,艾达对相对近期的历史的无知让人讶异,但没有因此而被过于苛责。The scene is deftly done, providing some humor to lighten the grim surroundings without being too hard on Ida for his strange incomprehension about relatively recent history.

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科学家比较清醒,要面对自己的无知和无能,选择一小点一小步的添砖加瓦,你能理解这是多么痛苦和多么勇敢的选择吗?Scientists are more conscious, level-headed. To face your incomprehension and inability, to choose to move on so small a step, can you feel how brave and difficult the choice are?

但从未有一次访问遭遇如此的境况,从未有一次访问在历史上造成如此的反响,也从未有一次访问在一个满是猜疑、彼此误判的氛围下进行。But there have never been circumstances like this, never with such resonances of history, never laden with circumstances of such suspicion and mutual misunderstanding and incomprehension.

你充满热情上地去上课,几个月后会,当你只是试图跟人打招呼或者问别人的名字,迎来的却仍是不解的凝视,没有什么比这更让人心灵备受拷打了。There is nothing more soul-sapping than enthusiastically going to lessons for months and still being faced with blank stares of incomprehension when you simply try to say hello and ask someone's name.