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我的首例就是蒙德里安。My opening example is Mondrian.

但是一旦你看到这幅画是怎样完成的,蒙德里安就和之前不再是同一个人了。But once you have seen how the painting works, Mondrian will never be the same.

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本文提出用听觉的蒙德里安架构来阐释音乐和弦的本质。Mondrian framework on listening is proposed for exploring the essence of musical chords.

在这幅画的其他部分,蒙德里安显然是用徒手画的,完全没有用纸条引导。In other parts of the painting, Mondrian clearly painted freehand, with no paper to guide him.

在某些地方,蒙德里安以和线条平行的方向作画,以避免让手摇晃。In some places, Mondrian painted parallel to his stripes, trying to keep his hand from wavering.

在1917年荷兰画家蒙德里安和特奥范杜斯伯格成立一个艺术团体称为日风格派。In 1917 Dutch painters Piet Mondrian and Theo van Doesburg founded an artistic group known as de Stijl.

他在徒手作画,也没有用纸条辅助,因为他觉得蒙德里安就是这么做的。He is painting freehand, without a paper strip to help him, because he thought that is what Mondrian did.

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下页里这幅蒙德里安的作品比我们前面所看到的那幅更流行的画作要更早一些。The work from Piet Mondrian on the next page predates his more popular imagery that we’ve already looked at.

在这幅作品中,蒙德里安试图通过使用混乱的曲线来诠释树的活力。In this piece, Mondrian is attempting to convey the energy of a tree through the use of chaotic curved lines.

诚然蒙德里安是严峻的、禁欲的、单纯的、冷漠的、唯心的,明显凌驾于世俗生活的喧嚣之外。It's true Mondrian is forbidding, ascetic, pure, impersonal, ideal, clear beyond the mess of an ordinary life.

这里也能看出蒙德里安打磨了黄色色块的边缘,弄出了一个光滑的边框。It's also possible to see how Mondrian smoothed the edges of the yellow region, creating a glossy painted frame.

1920年代里,荷兰画家蒙德里安提议用水平线与垂直线作为绘画的基本形式美。In 1920s, Dutch painter P. Mondrian proposed horizontals and verticals as the basic forms of beauty for painting.

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荷兰画家蒙德里安和设计师特奥范杜斯伯格和赫里特特维德是首席指数的日风格派。Dutch painter Piet Mondrian and designers Theo van Doesburg and Gerrit Rietveld were the chief exponents of de Stijl.

这些新的研究成果不只缩短了分析流程,更丰富了听觉蒙德里安架构的内容。This new research results not only shorten the analytical process but also enrich the Mondrian framework on listening.

据悉蒙德里安是用铺上纸条来画的,就像很多装潢师和当代画家用封口胶纸的道理一样。It is known that Mondrian painted his stripes by laying down strips of paper, the way decorators and contemporary painters use masking tape.

一些伟大的现代艺术家─举例来说,康丁斯基或是蒙德里安─把他们自己的作品视为演化和人类发展的工具。Some of the greatest modern painters — Kandinsky, for instance, or Mondrian — saw their work as an instrument of evolution and human development.

在他的显著成就,是在墨西哥城,在迈阿密的酒店德拉诺Teatron,在洛杉矶蒙德里安,古巴和亚洲的纽约。Among his notable achievements are the Teatron in Mexico City, the Hotel Delano in Miami, the Mondrian in Los Angeles, and Asia de Cuba in New York.

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如果你从右边的边线开始画,你会发现这里蒙德里安改变了主意,没让线条继续往上走到画布的边缘。If you step right up to the cordon, you'll see that Mondrian changed his mind about whether the stripes should go right up to the edges of the canvas.

他们俩人第一次被发现是在一个惬意的周五晚上出现在洛杉矶蒙德里安酒店,他们整晚都交谈甚欢,最后去了酒吧,消息来源是这样说的。The two were first spotted getting cozy Friday night at Los Angeles's Mondrian Hotel, where they laughed and talked the night away, finally closing down the bar, says the source.

从两三步之外你是完全看不出这些的,显然蒙德里安估计观者应该往后站从而不会发现像他截断条纹末端的草率。You don't see any of this from two or three feet away, and it's clear Mondrian expected his viewers to stand back so they wouldn't see things like the sloppy way he truncated the ends of his stripes.