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他把那幅画裱在绢上。He mounted the picture upon silken cloth.

他诚惶试恐地捧出一条长长的丝绳。Carefully, he lifted the long silken cord.

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丝绸长袍包裹着他的懒惰的四肢The robe that wraps his limbsin silken sloth

老粗睡在丝枕上还是老粗。A boor remains a boor even if sleeping on silken pillows.

最后一个女孩叫珊妮,她有一副柔美如绸的嗓音。Last among the girls was Sani, the one with silken voice.

货摊前,商人们端坐在丝毯上。In front of their booths sit the merchants on silken carpets.

它那华丽的翅膀上长满了丝质的羽毛。Its magnificent wings were entirely overlaid with silken feathers.

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我身上只盖了薄细的丝被,来等待你柔软的抚摸。To await your tender caress, I draped my body in a silken blanket.

她有黑色丝般的长发,和她的身体一样盘旋着。Her hair was black and long and silken and whirled about as did her body.

在这光芒里,山坡柔若银缎,海洋静泛幽蓝。Hillsides seem silken and silvery, the oceans still and blue in its light.

昆虫是蜘蛛的主要食物,通常用丝网捕虫。Insects,the main diet of most spiders,usually are captured in silken webs.

小蜘蛛能纺出许多光滑的细丝,使它们能像气球一样在空中漂动。Young spiders spin silken threads on which they "balloon" through the air.

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织物绸面,可以选择的提花、印花或绣花等范畴。Fabric silken face, can choose jacquard, printing or embroider etc category.

她正坐在一辆纺车前,织着各种颜色的丝线。She was sitting at a spinning wheel, spinning silken threads of many colors.

为迎接知识经济的到来,必须未雨绸缨。To salute the advent of intellectual economy, must not pluvial silken tassel.

这只机械鸟被放置在靠近皇帝床边的丝制垫子上。The mechanical bird was placed on a silken cushion close to the emperor's bed.

最好是使用天然的大豆,比如毛豆、印尼豆豉、或者有机嫩豆腐。Look for natural sources of soy, like edamame , tempeh, or organic silken tofu.

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天然纤维是指由棉、毛、麻、绸制成的织物。Natural fiber is to point to by cotton, wool, hemp, silken the fabric that makes.

丝质卵囊可能被藏在植物或石缝中,或被埋在地下。Silken egg sacs may be hidden in vegetation, or in crevices, or buried in the ground.

录像证明只有它的脚碰到了载玻片,留下了像蛛丝一样的脚印。A video verified that only its feet had touched the slides, which bore silken footprints.