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嗨,我是布克叔叔。Hi, I'm Uncle Booky.

这是布克叔叔。This is Uncle Booky.

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布奇叔叔会帮助你。Uncle Booky can help you.

我不知道,莫奇叔叔。I don't know, Uncle Booky.

我们现在去拜访他吧。Let's visit Uncle Booky now.

你好,我是布克叔叔。Hello, my name's Uncle Booky.

那是布克叔叔的收音机吗?Is that Uncle Booky 's radio?

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这是布克叔叔的书房。This is Uncle Booky 's study.

这是我的商店,布奇叔叔。This is my store, Uncle Booky.

叔叔,你在家吗?Uncle Booky ! Are you at home?

你什么时候去布奇叔叔家呢?。When do you visit Uncle Booky?

在布克叔叔家附近。It's near Uncle Booky 's house.

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这些是布克叔叔的录像带吗?Are these Uncle Booky 's videos?

这是布克叔叔的电视。This is Uncle Booky 's television.

布奇叔叔,那些东西是谁的?Whose things are they, Uncle Booky ?

布奇叔叔早上都干什么呢?。What does Uncle Booky do in the morning?

他们真的很迂腐,像书呆子。They tend to be really like nerdy and booky.

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故事中,布奇叔叔会讲到一个叫杰克的男孩。Uncle Booky will be talking about a boy named Jack in his story time.

现在随着市场上出现越来越多的新型阅读工具,书籍本身的形式也会同阅读一样变得更为多元、模糊,“书”味不再那么浓。As more packages like this find their way to market, the book itself, as well as its readings, will become more plural, more blurred, and less monolithically booky.