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一般缩写为“kr”。The common abbreviation is "kr".

“借方”的缩写是“Dr.”。The abbreviation for debit is Dr.

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“贷方”的缩写是“Cr.”The abbreviation for credit is Cr.

薄膜晶体三极管的缩写。Abbreviation of Thin Film Transistor.

堪萨斯州的邮政缩写是KS。The postal abbreviation for Kansas is KS.

KIA是行动中死亡的缩写。KIA is the abbreviation for Killed In Action.

WIA是在行动中伤亡的缩写。WIA is the abbreviation for Wounded In Action.

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这个简称是在那修院里用惯了的。This abbreviation had been adopted in the convent.

HHP是网络流行用语,表示“笑点”的意思。HHP is a popular online abbreviation for "haha point".

每个星座三个字母的标准缩写。The standard 3-letter abbreviation for the constellation.

PI总线是并行接口总线的简称。PI bus is the abbreviation for the parallel interface bus.

DNA-组成基因的脱氧核糖核酸的简称。DNA- abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid which makes up genes.

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“这是一种简称为希伯莱语,”他是一个开端。This is an abbreviation for the Hebrew phrase, One is His beginning.

服装街是天津市服装展销中心的简称。Clothing Street is the abbreviation for Tianjin Clothing Exhibit Center.

我们将在本文以及整个系列中使用这个缩写词。We will use this abbreviation in this article and throughout the series.

就是男女同性恋、双性恋、变性恋人群的简称。It is the abbreviation for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-sexual people.

后来,圣路易公爵以家族全名的缩写把这款时装命名为“SELON”。Since then, the Duke family named the dress by its abbreviation as "SELON".

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东亚思想库网络正式英文缩写是“NEAT”,应明确定位为东亚合作进程的“第二轨道”,主要为推动东亚合作提供智力支撑,对东亚合作政策性和方向性的重大问题提出建议。The English abbreviation for Network of East Asian Think-tanks is the NEAT.

冠心病是冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病的简称。Coronary disease is the coronal atherosclerosis heart disease's abbreviation.

其名中第二个字“苏”为该省简称。The abbreviation for this province is "Su", the second character of its name.