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关好窗子。Close the windows.

我们朝窗子里面望。We looked in windows.

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他给窗户装了玻璃。He glazed the windows.

塑钢门窗。Steel doors and windows.

实现内存窗。Implement Memory Windows.

晴天的时候打开窗户。Open windows on nice days.

不一会儿,窗户拼出来了。Soon, the windows come out.

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教堂的窗户粉碎了。The church windows shatter.

风震得窗户嘎嘎作响。The wind jarred the windows.

窗户被用砖堵住了。The windows were bricked in.

你怎么摆放你的窗户?How do you place the windows?

那间房间有两扇大窗户。The room has two big windows.

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风把窗户刮得颤悠悠地格格作响。The wind rattled the windows.

窗户上有冰花。There was ice on the windows.

两扇窗户并不都是开着的。Both the windows are not open.

我买了双层玻璃窗。I bought double-paned windows.

音爆可以震破窗户。Sonic booms can break windows.

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我买了双层玻璃窗。I bought double- paned windows.

窗子在阳光中闪耀。The windows glinted in the sun.

商店的橱窗拉下了铁遮板。All the windows were boarded up.