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这并未能安抚澳门批评家们。This failed to mollify Macau’s critics.

不可能取悦、平息或改造一个混蛋。You can rarely, if ever, please, placate, change, or mollify an asshole.

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总统的这番话并没有平息反对这个计划的人的愤怒。The President's comments, however did little to mollify the project's opponents.

大概,唯一能让卡尔和其他人住嘴的是新弹头。Presumably, the only thing that will mollify Kyl and others would be new warheads.

因此,政客们已经找到其他更加快速的方法来安抚其选民。Thus, politicians have looked for other, quicker ways to mollify their constituents.

这看起来是对那些忌惮于中国实力和他对美国影响的亚洲小国的一种抚慰。This was seen as a way to mollify smaller Asian nations that fear China’s power and its influence on the U.S.

而且,在最近的面包暴动,它有助于平息通过抬高自己从愤怒的人群面包房生产。And, during recent bread riots, it helped mollify angry crowds by ramping up production from its own bakeries.

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在最近的这次事件中,中央政府花了很大力气来平息公众愤怒。China's central government has taken dramatic steps to mollify public anger in the latest tainted-food scandal.

但目前为止,北京还没有作出任何举措遵守该项裁决,尽管扩大每年进口电影的配额来安抚WTO是有可能的。So far, Beijing has done nothing to abide by that ruling, though it is likely to expand its quotas to mollify the WTO.

他要为紫夜报仇,只有鬼车的死,才能平息他心中的怒气。He ambitions to retaliate for purple night and only have the dead of ghost car, so for to mollify the rage in his center.

公司开始调整其搜索引擎来平息竞争者的不满,并尽可能避免和反垄断组织的法律冲突。The company has made tweaks to its search engine to mollify rivals and head off a possible legal clash with antitrust authorities.

不过现在看来似乎经济特区建设已经全面启动了,尽管最近也有些调整措施出台来平息苛责。However, SEZ development now seems to be back in full swing, notwithstanding some recent tweaking of the guidelines to mollify critics.

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为了平息他的不满,蒋介石至少还是批准了史迪威此前提出的,武装第二批30个师美械师的计划。To mollify him, Chiang at least approved his earlier recommendation for a second Thirty Division plan. Designated the ZEBRA Force by U.

为了让抗议群众消气﹐台湾高院终于裁定将所有票匦查封以作为可能的证物。Taiwans High Court finally ordered all jurisdictions to seal ballot boxes as potential evidence in an effort to mollify the protesting throngs.

到目前为止,北京利用其作为主要外国投资者和世界最大的原材料进口国的影响力来安抚或恐吓其潜在的批评方。So far, Beijing has used its clout as a major foreign investor and the world’s biggest importer of raw materials to mollify or intimidate its potential critics.

如果确实如此,那么政府所有试图缓解萧条的努力——通过在其能最少发挥作用的时候强制注入更多债务——会使形势恶化。If fact, all attempts by the government to mollify the depression tend to exacerbate the situation by force feeding more debt when it is least capable of being serviced.

即使在返回轨道上形势失控了,并且小行星落向地球,它也是如此的小以至于会在大气层中瓦解——尽管这种断言可能不会平息灾难预言者的预言。Even if things went haywire on the return trajectoryand the asteroid fell toward Earth, it is so small it would disintegrate in theatmosphere — though that assurance might not mollify doomsayers.