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他在那次运动中是个激进人物。He is a militant in the movement.

湖南农民变得非常富有战斗性。The hunanese peasantry became very militant.

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它成为的声音,好战的废除主义。It became the voice of militant abolitionism.

巴基斯坦武装分子公布了一段视频,内容是一名五个月前遭到绑架的波兰地质学家被斩首杀害。Polish man beheaded in Pakistani militant video

好战的姿态常常显露了内心的骚动。A militant attitude often betrays an inner turmoil.

“说硬话”是指讲话火药味太浓。"To give lip" means to be too militant in your speech.

周六,其他两名好战分子领袖已经缴出武器。Two other militant leaders gave up their weapons on Saturday.

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一个武装集团声称要针对此次运动会发动袭击。And a militant group warned that it planned to target the games.

他打开档案室,好像要搜寻什么重要军事情报。He opened the archive, as if in search of some militant information.

她创立了"保卫巴黎和护理伤员妇女联盟"who was a Russian militant who was one of the leaders of the commune.

当初,只有毛拉和好战分子指挥官们才能得到尊重。First, only the mullahs and militant commanders would command respect.

我不在乎,站在这个停尸间面前,我感觉自己像个斗士一样。I don't care. I'm feeling militant standing in front of this mortuary.

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绑匪已经被警察擒获,孩子们安全脱险了。The militant has been the policeman tackled, children safe from danger.

他们可能会比清更孤立或不太孤立,更好战,或不那么好战。They could be more or less isolationist than Qing, more or less militant.

阿富汗武装分子的资深战士贾拉鲁丁.哈卡尼以北瓦基里斯坦为根据地。The veteran Afghan militant Jalaluddin Haqqani is based in North Waziristan.

即便是这种突然性的战斗状态,他们还是考虑到我们的安全的。For all this sudden militant posturing, they do seem to have our safety in mind.

而自从2009,伊斯兰极端组织博客圣地组织开始对尼日利亚进行恐怖袭击。And since 2009, Boko Haram a militant Islamic group has been terrorizing Nigeria.

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乌克兰激进的矿工们已经投票决定下个月罢工一天。Militant mineworkers in the Ukraine have voted for a one-day stoppage next month.

战术通信网足以好战通信装备为主。Tactical communications network sufficiently militant signal equipment primarily.

一些斗争性强的领导人要和白人中的激进派联合,成立新的“人民党”。Some militant leaders want to merge with white radicals in a new "People's Party".