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停。这肯定是贾妮斯。Whoa. This must be Janice.

准确的说,我想,我们都叫道“哇哦”。Actually, I think we both said "Whoa."

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我也可以做除法对不对?I can do division, right? Whoa. Right?

喔!请等我一下!我能走多的多低呢?。Whoa -oh , Hang-on , how low will I go ?

哇哦,你什么都讲得通嘛。Whoa. You can talk your way of anything.

噢,怎么回事!我说过我们要输入一个数字。Whoa. What happened? I said enter a number.

她偷偷吁出了口气,她讨厌他的手。She slipped out of breath, she whoa hates his hand.

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我们马上开始电话会议,稍后做更全面的分析。现在开始吧。We're jumping on the conference call soon, and doing thorough analysis later. For now, whoa.

哇!-那么谁曾想过夜出的男孩们不会手持一只蜡烛等待归家的男孩呢?Whoa ! -So who'd have ever thought that boys' night out wouldn't hold a candle to boys' night in?

总之,他说明天他要带我去体育馆,我先回屋练练仰卧起坐的。排山倒海的男性吸引。Anyway, he said he was gonna take me to the gym tomorrow, so I'm gonna go practice my situps. Whoa. Humongous man crush, dude.

啊,看这里,D。你说的这个研究并没有说明摆手和点头真正影响到自己的思维啊。Whoa , there, Don. The study you're talking about never suggested that shaking or nodding your head actually changes your thoughts.