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我要去邮局了。I am going to the postoffice.

我的兄弟是一个邮局???My brother is a postoffice???

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在附近有一个邮局。There is a postoffice nearby.

有一张沙发在邮政局。There is a sofa in the postoffice.

邮局对面的那座楼房是一间书店。The building opposite the postoffice is a bookstore.

邮局对面的那座楼房是一间书店。The building opposite to the postoffice is a bookstore.

我家离公共汽车站不远,非常方便。Conveniently enough, there's a postoffice near my house.

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教堂附近的西贡邮局里面总是熙熙攘攘。The Saigon Postoffice near the church is always full of tourists.

这座三层楼房被烧毁,附近的邮局和剧场也遭损坏。This three-stories building was burnt down as well as the adjacent postoffice and theater.

小区内有一个美丽的大公园,他在邮局和超市之间。There is a beautiful park, it"s between the postoffice and the supermarket. People walk in the park."

本定介绍了一种适合中小城市使用的微电脑查号及自动报号系统。The System which is introduced in this paper is suitable for 114 Service Station of postoffice in small-middle city.