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我是正义的斯莱特林。I am a righteous Slytherin.

朋友之义,难在义字千变万化。Friend, is the righteous word.

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亚比米勒是个好王。Abimelech was a righteous king.

我看这人倒是个忠直汉子。I see this man touches righteous man.

祂以公义和公平得胜。He is righteous and just in his victory.

他们都义愤填膺。They were filled with righteous indignation.

但是,究竟谁正义或不正义?But actually who is righteous or unrighteous?

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义人的口是生命的源泉。The mouth of righteous is a fountain of life.

有人义愤填膺的说。Somebody be filled with righteous indignation.

这就是祂所指的“活在公义中。”That's what He means to live a righteous life.

上帝宣告我们因信称义。Through faith God declares us to be righteous.

他们为正义而流血,死而无憾。They bled for a righteous cause and died happily.

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我看得出…他是一个用情专一,真情真义的男子汉。I can tell he is a man of passion, a righteous man.

耶和华阿,你是公义的,你的判语也是正直的。Righteous are you, O Lord , and your laws are right.

他们怎么就不问问他们自己的正义感在哪儿。They don't ask why they are not righteous themselves.

假若那城里有五十个义人,你还剿灭那地方吗?What if there are fifty righteous people in the city?

在神公义的国度里,生命是处于涨潮的状态。In the righteous kingdom of God, life is at full tide.

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这个月我们在「义人的路」上行走。This month we are walking "the path of the righteous."

164我因你公义的典章、一天七次赞美你。Seven times a day I praise you for your righteous laws.

后世的安宅,对于敬要者是更优美的。But best for the righteous is the home in the Hereafter.