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他们未婚同居。They cohabit together without be in married.

大学生应该被允许同居。College students should be allowed to cohabit.

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研究生不应该允许同居。Postgraduates should not be allowed to cohabit.

数以千计的人没有结婚就同居。Thousands of people cohabit without being married.

她拒绝在婚礼前与他同居。She refused to cohabit with him before the wedding.

在法国,未婚同居者越来越多,而结婚者越来越少。In France, more and more French cohabit instead of marrying.

如今很多年轻人未获得法定允许就在一起同居了。Nowadays many young people cohabit together without legal permission.

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除此之外,现在许多恋人同居但并不急着领证。In addition to this. many couples now cohabit and don't bother to marry.

我们本应以充满爱与和平的方式与人类同居于这个星球上。We were meant to cohabit this planet with humans in a loving and peaceful manner.

同居让一段难以有进展的关系又多了一层约束力。When you cohabit , it adds a sense of commitment to a relationship that is going nowhere.

不同的是,以前研究结果发现的第一原因是考验双方关系。This is different than previous research that found most people cohabit to test the relationship.

许多未婚男女同居多年相安无事,一旦结了婚,结果是日吵夜吵,吵个没完。Many unwed couples who cohabit peacefully for years wind up fighting night and day once they marry.

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同时促进他们中吸烟的,以及不吸烟却和吸烟的人住在一起的家庭远离香烟。It could also motivate these owners and non-smoking owners who cohabit with smokers make their homes smoke-free.

开元时期,在地球历史上的遥远过去,人类和动物原本是同居一起,非常友好与和平。In the beginning, in a far distant past of Earth history, humans and animals used to cohabit very lovingly and peacefully.

通过它,我们认识了与我们共同生活在地球上的许多其它生物——多种多样的奇妙动植物。Through it, we learn of the many others – the wondrous diversity of flora and fauna – with whom we cohabit on this planet.

但是当她被诊断出患有癌症晚期的时候,“他们又再次同居,在她病情不断发展的时候他一直不离不弃。”But when terminal cancer was diagnosed in her, “they came to cohabit again, and he cared for her as her disease progressed.

事实婚的认定标准是双方以终生共同生活为目的连续而稳定的同居。The determining criterion of factual marriage is that the two sides cohabit steadily with a common goal of living together forever.

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从多个角度看,父母再婚的孩子比父母同居的孩子生活得更好。But on many dimensions children whose parents enter into second marriages have better outcomes than do children whose parents cohabit.

从三代同堂到小家庭的这种结构转变,使得祖父母不再能够协助分担教养孩童的重任。The shift away from households in which three generations would cohabit means grandparents are no longer able to assist with childcare chores.

但是,许多研究人员发现,与婚前未同居的夫妻相比,婚前同居的夫妻的离婚率反而更高。However, numerous researchers are finding that couples who live together have a higher rate of divorce than couples who don't cohabit before marrying.