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你能说说牙买加音乐吗?Can you tell us about Jamaican music?

牙买加军警抓捕毒枭引发冲突至少30人死亡。Gunbattles in Jamaican capital kill at least 30.

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牙买加“闪电飞人”博尔特扬威北京。The Jamaican lightning Bolt has struck in Beijing.

目前,男子百米赛跑的世界纪录保持者依然是牙买加小将博尔特,他的成绩是9秒72。Jamaican Usain Bolt holds the world record of 9.72 seconds.

当他们边向汽车走去,牙买加妇女边问她丈夫。” the Jamaican woman asks her husband as they walk to their car.

我看有很多产品上都印着牙买加国旗。I see a lot of products that have the colors of the Jamaican flag.

牙买加的蓝山和科纳咖啡都有地理证明。Jamaican Blue Mountain and Kona coffees have geographic certifications.

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就在菲尔普斯刚刚离开游泳池的时候,一名牙买加运动员横空出世。Just about the time Phelps left the pool, a Jamaican jet zoomed over the track.

鲍伯•马利是从沟镇发迹的许多受欢迎的牙买加乐手之一。Bob Marley is one of many popular Jamaican musicians to emerge from Trench Town.

牙买加警方已经逮捕毒品贩及帮会头目克里斯多夫?科克。Jamaican police arrested Christopher Coke, an alleged drug-trafficker and gang leader.

梅丽莎·贝尔1964年出生在伦敦北部,她的父母是牙买加移民。Melissa Bell was born in North London in 1964 to struggling Jamaican immigrant parents.

牙买加人以今年世界最快成绩,9秒78夺得冠军。The Jamaican clocked 9.78 seconds, the fastest time in the world this year, to take the win.

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该运动保护非洲人、埃塞俄比亚以及牙买加人民的自尊心和谦卑。The movement preserves the pride and humility of the African, Ethiopian and Jamaican people.

在牙买加首都金斯敦针对一名男子的逮捕引起了骚乱和暴力活动。The attempt to arrest one man has brought chaos and violence to the Jamaican capital, Kingston.

美国人似乎很熟悉牙买加文化,尤其是牙买加的国旗。People in the United States seem quite familiar with Jamaican culture, especially with its flag.

帕特森宣布牙买加政府承认中国完全市场经济地位。Patterson announced that the Jamaican government recognizes China's complete market economy status.

牙买加短跑运动员博尔特在很短时间里刷新了两项令人敬佩的径赛世界纪录。A Jamaican sprinter has taken a very short time to rewrite two cherished world records on the track.

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一天晚上,那个人在男厕所小便时,发现自己身边站一个牙买加的大个子。One night, in the men's room, this fellow finds himself standing next to a tall Jamaican at the urinal.

考虑到美国队和玖治玖乱队最近的历史,决心两队的金牌啊争并不惊讶。It was no surprise to see the U. S. and Jamaican women battling for gold considering their recent history.

来自牙买加的得文‧安德森领著他的爱斯基摩犬队,在苏格兰的阿维莫尔练跑。Jamaican Devon Anderson takes his team of huskies for a practice run in Aviemore, Scotland January 17, 2006.