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我本能的反应是转移我的目光。I divert my sight by instinct.

他总能搬出新玩意去娱悦小孩子。He can always invent a new game to divert the children.

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否则它会将资源转移到需要的地方。Otherwise it will divert resources where they’re needed.

可是,洛克乌德先生,我倒忘记了这些故事是不能供你消遣的。But, Mr Lockwood, I forget these tales cannot divert you.

很明显,诺伊姆意在转移欧麦尔的注意力。Obviously Nuyam's purpose was to divert Umar's attention.

示威发生后,以色列指责叙利亚以此转移视线。After the demonstration, as Israel accused Syria to divert attention.

我们需要将这些钱输血我们的经济并创造就业机会。We need to divert that money to energise our economy and create jobs!

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就让中国去探测月球吧,别老是想着侵略,别来烦我们。Let China divert their aggression mood in exploring moon and leave us.

一个小拦水坝将虾虎鱼引导到一侧,并把它们冲进陷阱之中。Small weirs divert them to one side, where they are washed into traps.

这新事没有过是用去转移母众的重视力的。This story is a red herring to divert public attention from this issue.

他的行动,并没能使韦狄的活动完全停止,而只使它变更方向。His action would be to divert Wildeve's movement rather than to stop it.

转辙器就在旁边,它可以使你让火车改道到岔线去。There's a switch nearby that would let you divert the train onto a siding.

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我的熨斗总是处于备用状态,只要一拨动开关诱惑就被抛的远远的。My iron is always ready. I can divert temptation with the flip of a switch.

这样只会使你失去一的优势—业绩。This will divert attention from the only leverage you have -- your performance.

她把防止污染的事情说得十分重要,以便转移公众的注意。She dished up the anti-pollution business to divert the attention of the public.

这是国大党的策略,目的是转移国人对纳伦德拉-穆迪的注意力。This was congress strategy to divert the country's attention from narendra Modi.

他们试著带奥鲁诺可打猎、钓鱼及进行一趟当地村落旅行来转移他的忧心。They attempt to divert him with hunting, fishing, and a trip to a native village.

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人们应当将自己从愤怒的状态脱解出来以此来减少家庭冲突。One should divert oneself from the furious state so as to minimize family conflicts.

人们应该做的是遵随着这个趋势,必要时还要引领之。What people should do is to follow the trend and tendency and divert it if necessary.

林州人是怎样把漳河的水引到红旗渠里的呀?How did the Linzhou people manage to divert the Zhanghe water up to the Red Flag Canal?