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把你的影子投放在日规上。Lay your shadows over the sundial.

日晷上显示的时间非常精确。A sundial showed very precise time.

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在日晷时间在某些时候的一年。In sundial time at some times of the year.

方向时,你把你的日晷到位。Direction when you put your sundial in place.

该日晷还能确定当时所处的节气。By the sundial the solar term can be known too.

这是因为台北101是全球最大的日晷。That's because Taipei 101 is the world's biggest sundial.

日晷的近景,它走时非常精确。A close up of the sundial which is very accurate, by the way.

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时针实际上是以日昝上的阴影为模型的。The hands are actually modeled after the shadow on a sundial.

由这个日晷的阴影显示出来的时间,精确到了分钟。The shadow on this sundial showed the time to the minute precisely!

作为计时器,漏刻的使用比日晷史为普遍。The sundial is the oldest known device for the measurement of time.

日晷是已知的最古老的一种测算时间的装置。The sundial is the oldest known device for the measurement of time.

不要隐藏你的天分,天赐才能必有其道理所在。日晷摆在阴影里也是枉然!Hide not your talents, they for use were made. What's a sundial in the shade!

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他就想再做一件记时器具,好弥补日晷的不足。He wanted to do a time recording equipment, a good make up for lack of a sundial.

与日晷桥一样,女人桥采用的也是斜拉桥设计方案。The Puente de la Mujer, like the Sundial Bridge, is a cantilever spar cable-stayed design.

人们利用很多种计时的设备,如日晷就是早期较为简单的一种。Humans have used many devices to measure time. The sundial was one of the earliest and simplest.

凭着日规上阴影底潜移,你也能知道时间在偷偷地走向亘古。With bottom dives moves on the sundial shadow, you can know the time in secretly to everlasting.

保存在西安清真大寺的一台日晷,我们称之为清真大寺日晷。The Sundial is a Collection of Greater Mosque in Xi'an. Therefore, we call it Sundial of Geater Mosque.

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孔府的自然物信仰主要包括祭北斗和祭日晷。The natural objects belief of Confucius mansion mainly involved sacrificing the Big Dipper and sundial.

台上陈列着大型铜制的天文仪器,台下有以紫微殿。晷影堂为主的附属建筑群。Under it are a cluster of buildings such as Ziwei Hall, Sundial Shadow Hall and other auxiliary structures.

晷盘平行于地球赤道面,因而叫“赤道式日晷”。The sundial has its plate parallel to the equatorial plane of the earth, so it is called "equatorial sundia".