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我们立体式通灵有助于他们。We contribute Cloverleaf channelings to them.

在立体式术语表达文件里,我定下了其它的描述,我感觉很好!In the Cloverleaf Glossary files I located another description, which felt so good!

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我很享受今年夏季与阿瑞娜和立体式家族一起工作。This year I am enjoying the summer months working with Ariana and the Cloverleaf family.

愉快和嬉戏我已经在我的生活中做了,但它全部是立体式连接活动。Enjoyment and fun I did have in my life, but it was all connected to Cloverleaf activities.

感谢您帮助我和立体式并感谢你们帮助美国乃至整个世界!Thank you for helping me and Cloverleaf and thank you for helping America and the whole world!

立体式互联磁带已经非正式地录制了团体通灵会议和工场期间对话。Cloverleaf 's tapes have been informally recorded during group channeling sessions or workshops.

关于那个主题我学习了许多,我们的立体式朋友之一和顾问群在今晨谈论。I learned more on that subject while talking to one of our Cloverleaf friends and advisors this morning.

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LED数码管广泛使应用于立交桥、河堤、舞台装饰及楼宇外墙轮廓等场合。LED Digital lattice are widely used in cloverleaf junction, bridge, riverbank, decor, building outline, etc.

我们有我们的热衷者上星期六在萨斯卡通最后的立体式集会并且它是另一次救援圈。We had our last gathering of Cloverleaf enthusiasts in Saskatoon last Saturday and it was another rescue circle.

作为一种认可,有点迟,一个来自我们通灵团队在考艾岛的女孩请求我归还她的图书馆的书。As a confirmation, a bit later, one of the gals from our Cloverleaf group in Kauai asked me to return her library book.

一年后她依然与我们联系,主要给予我们短暂的问候,正如我们聚焦我们的立体式冥想。She is still in touch with us more than one year later, mostly giving us brief greetings as we gather for our Cloverleaf meditations.

然后,与我分开,她在萨斯卡通工作场所遇到了其他人,就是后来与我在一起的时候立体式精神诞生。Then, separately from me, she met other people in Saskatoon at a workshop who were later with me when Cloverleaf was spiritually born.

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酒室四壁雕刻着盛宴的图案,它由三个排列成三叶草形状的房间组成,最大的房间是酒窖。Complete with carved banquettes, the den is one of three chambers arranged in a cloverleaf shape—the largest of which was a wine cellar.

一本立体式书籍的引文并且我希望找到一个立体式志愿者与我一起开始工作。A separate book of Cloverleaf quotations has also been started and I would love to find a Cloverleaf volunteer to work with me on that one.

在1987,诞生了灵性立体式互联而且很早以前因特网进入生活,预言光之网向我们走来。In 1987, when Cloverleaf was spiritually born and long before the Internet came into existence, the prophecy of the Web of Light came to us.

在陌生的城市,你上一座复杂的立交桥前请注意检查油箱,因为上面没有加油站。In a strange city, please pay attention to the fuel tank when you get on a complex cloverleaf intersection, because there is no gas station.

设置铁路立体交叉和平交道口,应当符合国家规定的安全技术标准。The establishment of a cloverleaf structure and a level crossing shall comply with the safety technical standards as prescribed by the State.

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该方法无需共轴光路的测量环境要求,特别适用于桥梁、高速公路立交桥的静载挠度测量等工程应用。It demands no circumstance requirements in common optical axis and is especially effective in flexibility measurement of bridge and cloverleaf junction.

这似乎好像我发现超出最近告诉你的并且在这问题上我们有一些来自我们自己的立体式的网络令人关注的捐助。It seems as though I am finding more than usual to tell you about lately and in this issue we have some contributions from our own Cloverleaf networkers.

我们在星期五的夜里开始个人的介绍,照常,而且今年我们说到我们的生活自从立体式第20周年再康复以来。We started on Friday evening with personal introductions, as usual, and this year we spoke about our lives since the Cloverleaf 20th Anniversary retreat.