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他因为自己所受的痛苦为自己建了一座冰宫。He built a prison of icicle for his sorrow.

我看到了一窗清雅细致的冰凌花!I saw a window of elegant and meticulous icicle flowers!

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游受斋爱其诗,赞为“晴空冰柱”。You love the poem by fasting, praise for the "clear skies icicle."

艾尔莎公主还遭到魔力反噬,用冰锥刺穿了自己。The princess's powers backfire and she impales herself on an icicle.

血滴得很慢很慢,仿佛是太阳落山后的冰柱滴下的水珠。The drops fell very slowly, as they fall from an icicle after the sun has gone.

今天,小鬼们就算是要赤着身子滑下冰柱,也不会碰老头的衣服。Today, kids wouldn't touch Dad's clothes if they were sliding naked down an icicle.

当他回宫后,那块巨大的冰已经融化成了一个小冰块,公历没人见过冰,所以每个人都惊奇的看着它。By the time he reached the court, the enormous icicle had melted into a small lump of ice.

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了解有关决策时的冰柱在这个自由圣诞假期视频手吹玻璃饰物。Learn about making an icicle when making hand-blown glass ornaments for Christmas in this free holiday video.

这些春季大鳞大麻哈鱼正在前往宏伟的喀斯开山脉下的威那齐河及艾舍客冰溪。These Spring Chinook salmon are heading for the Wanatchee River and Icicle Creek, in the shadow of the majestic Cascade Mountains.

这些春季大鳞大麻哈鱼开始游往雄伟的喀斯喀特山脉附近的温纳奇河和冰溪。These Spring Chinook salmon are heading for the Wenatchee River and Icicle Creek, in the shadow of the majestic Cascade Mountains.

冬天时,找到某个银行大门口站着的两尊狮子,制作一个以它们为基座,用头顶着的一个拱形的冰柱,来来往往的人都可以从中穿过。In winter, make an icicle arch on the heads of two stone lions, which sitting in front of a bank gate, people walk through the arch.

这些春季大鳞大麻哈鱼正在前往宏伟的喀斯开山脉下的威那齐河及艾舍客冰溪。These Spring Chinook salmon are heading for the Wanatchee River and Icicle Creek, in the shadow of the majestic Cascade Mountains.

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有时,水直接朝地下滴,于是,矿物质向上堆积,像倒挂的冰柱。这叫做石笋。Sometimes water drips directly to the floor, so the mineral matter builds upward, like an upside-down icicle. This is called a stalagmite.

圣诞节变得越来越“珠光宝气”了,市场上可以看到各式各样的灯,有朴素的冰条灯串,也有12英尺长的大组灯“圣诞老人和他的驯鹿们”。Christmas has gone bling, with a massive range of lights on the market, from modest " icicle" chains to 12ft illuminated sets of Santa and his reindeers.

覆冰绝缘子伞裙间隙未桥接时,冰凌尖端的放电是影响绝缘子闪络电压的主要因素之一。The discharge at the top of icicle is one of the main factors influencing flashover voltage when the air gap amid the sheds of ice-covered insulators is not bridged.

当他回宫后,那块巨大的冰已经融化成了一个小冰块,公历没人见过冰,所以每个人都惊奇的看着它。By the time he reached the court, the enormous icicle had melted into a small lump of ice. Nobody in the court had ever seen ice, so everybody gazed at it with wonder!

安全,高效便利的排水系统可以防止屋顶天沟及下水管的损坏,保证屋顶不结冰雪、冰柱。Safety the highly effective convenience drainage system may prevent the valley between roofs and the down-flow pipe damage guaranteed the roof does not tie the snow and ice the icicle.

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"她是如此不同——我们面前就是冰柱——"这句日本俳句是用来形容日本岩手县每年陶氏瀑布的冰冻现象的。“So magnificent — this icicle before us — bulging with promise.” This serene haiku was composed in tribute to the annual freezing of Taroshi Falls, located in Japan’s Iwate prefecture.

研究了覆冰桥接时冰棱的长度对覆冰合成绝缘子电场和电位分布的影响,以及空气间隙在覆冰合成绝缘子外沿所处的位置不同对电场和电位分布的影响。The author researches the influence of the length of icicle in ice bridge connection and the position of air gap in the composite insulators to the distribution of electrical field and potential.