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我不介意。Oh,I'm willing to wait.

你们竟自不肯。And you were not willing.

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你们竟自不肯。But you were not willing.

敢是你不愿意。Maybe you are not willing.

那么,你愿意敞开你的心扉吗?Are you willing to open up?

他是能做得到,但不愿意去做?Is he able, but not willing?

难道他能做而且又愿意做?Is he both able and willing?

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愿意来奉贤工作。Willing to work in FengXian.

你愿不愿为此做出牺牲?Are you willing to sacrifice?

他真是头老黄牛。He is really a willing horse.

只要你愿意对其谆谆教导。If you are willing to guide it.

你愿意摆姿势让我为你拍照吗?Are you willing to pose for me ?

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我愿意为你折寿。I am willing to Zheshou for you.

宁自受痛苦,使人得救。Willing to suffer others to save.

我不愿意捐出任何金钱。A- I am not willing to donate any.

各不相让。Neither is willing to give ground.

有愿意到从化工作的朋友吗?Are willing to work Conghua friend?

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我愿意拿部分的钱来承担稍高的风险。I am not willing to take more risk.

光是希望是不够的,非去做不可。Willing is not enough , we must do.

有没有自告奋勇的?Who's willing to volunteer a reason?