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火红年,恭喜发财贺新年。Red, congratulation happy new year.

祝贺信潮水般地涌来。Letters of congratulation flooded in.

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请接受我最诚挚的祝福。Please accept my heartiest congratulation.

恭喜我们郑氏家族出了第一个女大学生。Congratulation for my whole zheng's family!

没错,这的确是一封祝贺信!Yes, it was really a congratulation letter.

姐姐诞下小女婴,恭喜她囖!My sister had born a baby girl, congratulation to her!

凯特先生,衷心祝贺你荣升。My sincere congratulation to you on your promotion. Mr. Kate!

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只是15公斤的有效载荷。不管怎样,还是祝贺吧。Its only a 15kg payload. Anyway congratulation. Syabas – lah !

啬?我很为你开心。谢谢,卡特在哪?。Congratulation. I'm so happy for you. Thank you. Where is Carter?

我收到了大学毕业的贺信。The letter arrived in congratulation of my graduation from the university.

在那一天之内他所收到的贺函多达一百封。He received as many as a hundred letters of congratulation on that single day.

亲民党主席宋楚瑜先生,并致词祝贺。Qinmindang President Mr. Song Chuyu, and delivers a speech the congratulation.

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毕竟成功来之不易,恭喜他在付出努力后终于苦尽甘来。After all, to succeed is not an easy thing. No sweet without sweat. Congratulation !

臣下还通过多种仪式向皇帝进贺亲郊成功举行。In addition, officials held congratulation rituals on the success of the sacrifices.

你也可以用这支笔对现有的文档加标记或注释。Congratulation You can also use this pen to highlight or annotate existing documents.

爱因斯坦收了满满的几篮子贺卡、贺信和贺电。Einstein received few baskets, full of bikeds, letters or telegrams of congratulation.

主婚人向这对新婚夫妇致新婚贺辞。The master of the wedding ceremony delivers a speech of congratulation to the newlyweds.

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美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马也向开幕式致以了祝贺信。U. S. President Barack Obama also sent a congratulation letter for the opening ceremony.

然而这些观点在大片的欢呼祝贺声出现的时候就消失了。However, such sentiments appear to have disappeared in the dawn chorus of congratulation.

爱因斯坦收了满满的几篮子贺卡、贺信和贺电。Einstein received several baskets, full of cards, letters and telegrams of congratulation.