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灌溉天边朝露。Dew irrigation horizon.

他们在挖灌溉渠。They are digging irrigation ditches.

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二要加强农田水利和高标准农田建设。irrigation and high-standard farmland.

在这个地区灌溉渠纵横交错。Irrigation canals criss-crossed the area.

这条渠荒废了。This irrigation canal has fallen into disuse.

灌溉水也会污染食物。Water can contaminate food during irrigation.

你没看到哪边有一条灌溉的渠道吗?Didn't you see an irrigation ditch over there?

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任何渠务、灌溉或河道管制工程。Any drainage, irrigation or river control works.

双季稻作生产灌溉必不可少。Irrigation is essential in double ri ce systems.

本发明用于农田灌溉。The invention is applied in farmland irrigation.

急切需要新一代的灌溉系统。We urgently need a new generation of irrigation.

让我们把这里变成水稻灌溉区吧!Let's change here into Rice Irrigation District !

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我们把钱用在兴建灌溉工程上了。We used the money to set up an irrigation project.

他们中的多数人都在参加灌溉工程的工作。Most of them are working on the irrigation project.

地下灌溉的适用性是有限制的。Subsurface irrigation is limited in its adaptation.

谁是灌水王?来这里切磋下!Who is the irrigation Wang? Come here to learn next!

护坡将灌溉系统的水箱隐藏起来。The berms conceal cisterns for the irrigation system.

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微灌的一个好处是控制杂草。An added advantage of micro irrigation is weed control.

滴灌比沟灌更有利于大豆干物质的积累。Drip irrigation is benefit for dry matter accumulation.

干旱地区需要灌溉才能使作物生长。Irrigation is needed to make crops grow in dry regions.