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铁制工具易受腐蚀。Iron tools corrode easily.

酸使金属腐蚀。Acid causes metal to corrode.

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已知硫酸和硫酸盐能腐蚀金属。And sulfates are known to corrode metals.

这些酸腐蚀牙齿的珐琅质。The acids corrode the enamel of the teeth.

这些工具如长期不用会长铁锈而损坏。The tools will corrode with rust if never used.

而且时间长了也还腐蚀弱化龟壳。It can also corrode and weaken the shell over time.

铁制工具长期不用会锈损。An iron tool, if never used, will corrode with rust.

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有些化学药品如留在裸露的金属上会起腐蚀作用。Certain chemicals will corrode if left on bare metal.

否则会腐蚀金属内胆,缩短使用寿命。Otherwise you will corrode metal tank, shorten service life.

这就导致铝支架慢慢被腐蚀致毁坏。This causes the aluminum to slowly corrode and eventually fail.

高温硫,硫化氢腐蚀用钢的焊接。For welding the corrode resisting steel with Mo, V or Low-Al etc.

碳纤维另一大的优势在于它不会被腐蚀。Another advantage of a carbon-fibre body is that it will not corrode.

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防油水布是用来保护材料和覆盖货物的,确保水不会渗入和腐蚀设备,但允许从底部排水penetrate and corrode the equipment, but allow drainage from the bottom.

在排水道中,化学反应发出嘶嘶声,化学品开始侵蚀管道。In the grates below, the chemicals are hissing, beginning to corrode the pipe.

他设计了一种能够避免腐蚀或氧化的金丝制作流程。He has devised a process for making gold wires which neither corrode nor oxidise.

资产阶级一定要腐蚀人,用糖衣炮弹打人。The bourgeois. e is. sure to corrode people and aim its sugar-coated bullets at them.

陶器不会像金属那样被腐蚀,也不会像木材或者衣物那样被腐坏。The pottery does not corrode like metal and will not disintegrate like wood or cloth.

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原电池中具备较低电势的金属是阳极的而且会受到腐蚀。The metal with a lower potential in the galvanic cell will be anodic and will corrode.

但海砂中含有氯盐,能引起混凝土中钢筋腐蚀,破坏建筑物。The chloride containing in sea sand can corrode rebar in concrete and destroy building.

当使用了热收缩膜,要确保不会发生积水并腐蚀货物,要遵守所有生产商的建议。When used ensure that water will not become trapped and corrode the commodity and ensure